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Number of items at this level: 390.


Arts, Danielle; Habl, Claudia; Leopold, Christine; Windisch, Friederike (2007): PPRI Pharma Profile. Austria 2007. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Arts, Danielle; Habl, Claudia; Schnabel, Eva (2006): Nahtstellenmanagement bei Arzneimitteln. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.


Benslaoui, Bouchra; Zerhouni, Mohammed Wadie; Chikhaoui, Anas; Fouila, Fatima Zahra Ben; Habimana, Katharina; Hachri, Hafid; Bigdeli, Maryam; Vogler, Sabine; Taoufik, Jamal; Nejmi, Hicham (2019): Regulating medicine prices in Morocco - Effects of the medicine price decree 2014 on medicine prices. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. ISSN 2052-3211

Bhatt, Jem; Brohan, Elaine; Oliviera, Déborah; Bakolis, Ioannis; Comas-Herrera, Adelina; D`Amico, Francesco; Farina, Nicolas; Knapp, Martin; Stevens, Madeleine; Thornicroft, Graham; Wilson, Emma; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Evans-Lacko, Sara (2023): The development and validation of the Discrimination and Stigma Scale Ultra Short for People Living with Dementia (DISCUS-Dementia). BJ Psych Open, 9 (5). E164.

Binder, Michael; Brandtner, Alexander; Götzl, Florentin; Neiß, Andreas; Nikolai, Verena; Philadelphy, Daniela; Renhardt, Martin; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Schörghofer, Volker; Thalhammer, Florian; Vogler, Sabine; Wagner, Oswald; Wenisch, Christoph; Wild, Claudia; Wirthumer-Hoche, Christa; Zeitlinger, Markus (2022): Therapien. In: Variantenmanagementplan. Konsolidierte Fassung der Ergebnisse des Expert:innenworkshops, Überarbeitungen der GÖG sowie Anmerkungen GECKO, Bundesländer und weiterer Systempartner:innen. Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Wien, pp. 80-89.

Bouvy, Jacoline; Vogler, Sabine (2013): Priority Medicine Report. Update on 2004 Background Paper 8.3. Pricing and Reimbursement Policies: Impacts on Innovation. In: Priority Medicines for Europe and the World "A Public Health Approach to Innovation". WHO, Wien.

Brzozowska, Zuzanna; Zhelenkova, Ekaterina; Gietel-Basten, Stuart (2023): Population decline: Towards a rational, scientific research agenda. In: Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2023. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, pp. 1-9.

Busse, Reinhard; Henschke, Cornelia; Panteli, Dimitra; Vogler, Sabine (2022): Arzneimittelmarkt und -versorgung in Deutschland im europäischen Vergleich. In: Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 279-303.


Cherla, Avi; Mossialos, Elias; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Kesselheim, Aaron S; Naci, Huseyin (2022): Post-marketing requirements for cancer drugs approved by the European Medicines Agency, 2004-2014. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 112 (4). pp. 846-852.


Davis, Courtney; Wagner, Anita K.; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Scowcroft, Henry; Mintzes, Barbara; Pokorny, Adrian M. J.; Lew, Jianhui; Naci, Huseyin (2023): Communication of anticancer drug benefits and related uncertainties to patients and clinicians: document analysis of regulated information on prescription drugs in Europe. BMJ, 380. e073711.

Dedet, Guillaume; Polton, Dominique; Zimmermann, Nina; Habl, Claudia; Bak Pedersen, Hanne (2019): Evaluation of the Affordable Medicines Programme in Ukraine. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Kopenhagen.


European Commission, European Health and Digital Executive Agency; Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Habimana, Katharina (2023): Study on best practices in the public procurement of medicines. Annex 4, PPM country fiches. Publications Office of the European Union, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2925/28086.

European Commission, European Health and Digital Executive Agency; Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Habimana, Katharina (2023): Study on best practices in the public procurement of medicines. Annexes 1-3 & 5-11. Publications Office of the European Union, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2925/822369.

European Health and Digital Executive Agency, (HaDEA); Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Knoll, Verena; Christodoulou, Maria; Habimana, Katharina; Piccoli, Giannina; Del Prete, Margherita (2024): Study on the implementation of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices on the EU market. Final report. Publications Office of the European Union, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2925/210943.


Fischer, Stefan; Knoll, Verena; Alleweldt, Frank; Vogler, Sabine (2023): Potential measures to facilitate the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Publication for the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg.

Fischer, Katja; Gehart, Norbert; Krawinkler, Gerald; Kollaritsch, Herwig; Nagel, Anna; Paulke-Korinek, Maria; Röbl, Klara; Ruggier, Lena; Schneider, Peter; Szell, Marton; Zwiauer, Karl (2022): Impfstoffe und Impfung. In: Variantenmanagementplan Konsolidierte Fassung der Ergebnisse des Expert:innenworkshops, Überarbeitungen der GÖG sowie Anmerkungen GECKO, Bundesländer und weiterer Systempartner:innen. Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Wien, pp. 27-39.

Fischer, Stefan; Vogler, Sabine (2020): Drug shortages: The situation in four European countries and their approaches to handle the problem. Accepted Abstract. Euhea Conference 2020, 9. Juli 2020, Virtual conference.

Fischer, Stefan; Vogler, Sabine; Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina (2021): HTA, Reimbursement and Pricing of Diagnostic Tests for CA-ARTI. An international overview of policies (Task 5.5). Value-DX Consortium/Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Franzen, Nora; Vancoppenolle, Julie; Vogler, Sabine; Retel, Valesca; van Harten, Wim (2024): Savings and Transparency: Comparing Publicly Reported Data on Managed Entry Agreements in Europe. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).


Gamba, Simona; Pertile, Paolo; Vogler, Sabine (2020): The impact of managed entry agreements on pharmaceutical prices. Health Economics. doi.org/10.1002/hec.4112.

Gombocz, Margit (2019): Public spending on orphan medicines: a review of the literature. 4. Konferenz der Austrian Health Economics Association (ATHEA), 1. März 2019, Wien.

Gombocz, Margit; Vogler, Sabine (2020): Public spending on orphan medicines: a review of the literature. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 13 (66). doi.org/10.1186/s40545-020-00260-0.


Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Schneider, Peter (2018): A Review of price studies for generic and biosimilar medicines. EUHEA Conference, 12. Juli 2018, Maastricht.

Habimana, Katharina (2022): Les bonnes pratiques d’achat de médicaments en Europe. Journées de l'achat hospitalier, 9. Dezember 2022, Beffroi de Montrouge (Frankreich).

Habimana, Katharina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Vogler, Sabine (2022): The 75th World Health Assembly “Health for peace and peace for health". Briefing requested by the ENVI committee, doi:10.2861/588. European Parliament, Online.

Habimana, Katharina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Vogler, Sabine (2022): Briefing on the 75th World Health Assembly: health for peace and peace for health” (Geneva, 22 to 28 May 2022). Briefing Meeting for European Parliamaent ENVI Committee Members, 19. Mai 2022, online.

Habl, Claudia (2018): Assessment of the “Affordable Medicines” program: qualitative findings. Policy Dialogue “Affordable medicines” programme: results and recommendation for progress towards Universal Health Coverage, 18. Oktober 2018, Kiew.

Habl, Claudia (2018): EURIPID Collaboration Current state of play & Technical Guidance Document on External Reference Pricing. Network of Competent Authority of Pricing and Reimbursement (NCAPR) meeting, 26. September 2018, Wien.

Habl, Claudia (2018): Euripid State of Play. EFPIA Working Group on Access to Medicines, 3. Mai 2018, Brüssel.

Habl, Claudia (2018): Main Principles of External Reference Pricing. EU Euripid EU-Stakeholder Meeting, 23. März 2018, Brüssel.

Habl, Claudia; Antony, Katja; Arts, Danielle; Entleitner, Michael; Fröschl, Barbara; Leopold, Christine; Stürzlinger, Heidi; Vogler, Sabine; Weigl, Marion (2006): Surveying, Assessing and Analysing the Pharmaceutical Sector in the 25 EU Member States. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Habl, Claudia; Bachner, Florian (2011): EMINET. Initial investigation to assess the feasibility of a coordinated system to access orphan medicines. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Habl, Claudia; Fischer, Stefan (2021): How the Euripid collaboration contributes to price transparency of pharmaceuticals. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (Suppl.). ISSN 1101-1262

Habl, Claudia; Nagel, Anna (2022): EU wide added value of EURIPID. 10th EURIPID Board of Participants Meeting, 9. Juni 2022, Oslo.

Habl, Claudia; Németh, Gergely; Schneider, Peter (2019): How the Euripid Collaboration contributes to the affordability of medicines in Europe. Journal of Pharmacy Policy and Practice, 12 (3). ISSN 2052-3211

Habl, Claudia; Schneider, Peter; Németh, Gergely; Šebesta, Robin (2018): Euripid Collaboration Guidance Principles for External Reference Pricing in Europe. Track Health systems and health care. European Public Health Conference 2018, 29. November 2018, Ljubliana.

Habl, Claudia; Schneider, Peter; Németh, Gergely; Šebesta, Robin (2018): Euripid Collaboration Guidance Principles for External Reference Pricing in Europe. Track Health systems and health care. The European Journal of Public Health, 28 (4).

Habl, Claudia; Schneider, Peter; Németh, Gergely; Šebesta, Robin (2018): Euripid Guidance Document on External Reference Pricing (ERP). European Commission, Consumer, Health and Food Executive Agency (Chafea), Brussels.

Habl, Claudia; Vogler, Sabine; Leopold, Christine; Schmickl, Bettina; Fröschl, Barbara (2008): Referenzpreissysteme in Europa. ÖBIG Forschungs- und Planungsgesellschaft mbH, Wien.

Heindl, Bettina; Habl, Claudia (2022): EURIPID Data Validation Report 2021. 10th Meeting of the Board of Participants., 10. Juni 2022, Oslo.


Iaru, Irina; Vogler, Sabine (2024): Managed introduction of new medicines in healthcare systems. In: Drug Utilization Research: Methods and Applications. Wiley, pp. 233-247.


Jommi, C.; Addis, Á.; Martini, N.; Nicod, E.; Pani, M.; Scopinaro, A.; Vogler, S. (2021): Price and reimbursement for orphan medicines and managed entry agreements: does Italy need a framework? Global & Regional Health Technology Assessment, August (8). pp. 114-119.


Knoll, Verena; Steigenberger, Caroline; Fischer, Stefan; Vogler, Sabine (2024): Made in Europe - assessing the feasibility of reshoring active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) production to Europe. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).

Knoll, Verena; Steigenberger, Caroline; Fischer, Stefan; Vogler, Sabine (2024): Made in Europe - assessing the feasibility of reshoring active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) production to Europe. Poster. 5th PPRI conference 2024: Ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, 25.-26. April 2024, Wien.


Leopold, Christine; Poblete, Sergio; Vogler, Sabine (2023): How to Price and to Reimburse Publicly Funded Medicines in Latin America? Lessons Learned from Europe. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 51 (S1). pp. 76-91.

Leopold, Christine; Vogler, Sabine; Suleman, Fatima; Wirtz, Veronika J. (2024): Strengthening primary health care through a stronger emphasis on patient and community centered medicines and pharmaceutical services. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).

Leopold, Christine; Vogler, Sabine; Suleman, Fatima; Wirtz, Veronika J. (2024): Strengthening primary health care through a stronger emphasis on patient and community centered medicines and pharmaceutical services. Poster. 5th PPRI conference 2024: Ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, 25.-26. April 2024, Wien.

Leopold, Christine; Habl, Claudia; Morak, Simone; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Vogler, Sabine (2008): Leistungsfähigkeit des österreichischen Gesundheitssystems im Vergleich. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Leopold, Christine; Habl, Claudia; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid (2008): Steuerung des Arzneimittelverbrauchs am Beispiel Dänemark. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Leopold, Christine; Habl, Claudia; Vogler, Sabine; Morak, Simone (2008): PPRI-Pharma-Profil. Österreich 2008. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien. ISBN 3-85159-121-6

Leopold, Christine; Rovira, Joan; Habl, Claudia (2010): EMINET. Generics in small markets or for low volume medicines. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.


Mardetko, Nika; Kos, Mitja; Vogler, Sabine (2018): Review of studies reporting actual prices for medicines. Expert review of pharmacoeconomics & outcomes research.

Morak, Simone; Vogler, Sabine; Walser, Sabine; Kijlstra, Nico (2010): The pharmaceutical system of the Netherlands and Applying it in Practice. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Moye-Holz, D.; Vogler, S. (2021): Comparison of Prices and Affordability of Cancer Medicines in 16 Countries in Europe and Latin America. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy.


Ostermann, Herwig; Bobek, Julia; Renner, Anna; Schneider, Peter; Vogler, Sabine (2016): A cost/benefit analysis of self-care initiatives in the European Union – Who’s better off, who’s worse off? EuHEA Conference 2016, 14. Juli 2016, Hamburg.

Ostermann, Herwig; Windisch, Friederike (2019): Herausforderungen für Medizinprodukte. Registrierung schafft Sicherheit. Das Medizinprodukt, 2019 (2). pp. 20-22.


Panteli, Dimitra; Anderson, Michael; Fieldman, Thomas; Baraldi, Enrico; Tägdén, Thomas; Vogler, Sabine; Ardal, Christine; Mossialos, Elias (2024): Policy options for sustainable access to off-patent antibiotics in Europe. npj Antimocrob Resist, 2 (40).

Panteli, Dimitra; Arickx, Francis; Cleemput, Irina; Dedet, Guillaume; Eckhardt, Helene; Fogarty, Emer; Gerkens, Sophie; Henschke, Cornelia; Hislop, Jennifer; Jommi, Claudio; Kaitelidou, Daphne; Kawalec, Pawel; Keskimäki, Ilmo; Kroneman, Madelon; Bastida, Julio Lopez; Barros, Pedro Pita; Ramsberg, Joakim; Schneider, Peter; Spillane, Susan; Vogler, Sabine; Vuorenkoski, Lauri; Kildemoes, Helle Wallach; Wouters, Olivier; Busse, Reinhard (2016): Pharmaceutical regulation in 15 European countries. Review. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.

Perelman, Julian; Duarte-Ramos, Filipa; Melo Gouveia, António; Pinheiro, Luis; Ramos, Francisco; Vogler, Sabine; Céu, Mateus (2022): How do hospital characteristics and ties relate to the uptake of second-generation biosimilars? A longitudinal analysis of Portuguese NHS hospitals, 2015–2021. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 23 (1). pp. 99-109.


Rintoul, Andrew; Colbert, Allison; Garner, Sarah; Kotwani, Anita; Vogler, Sabine; Bouvy, Jacoline; Hill, Andrew (2020): Medicines with one seller and many buyers: strategies to increase the power of the payer. BMJ, 369 (m1705). doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m1705.

Rodríguez Sánchez, Diana Ivonne; Vogler, Sabine (2023): Shortages of Medicines to Treat COVID-19 Symptoms during the First Wave and Fourth Wave: Analysis of Notifications Reported to Registers in Austria, Italy, and Spain. Pharmacy, 11 (4). p. 120.

Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Antony, Katharina; Habl, Claudia; Vogler, Sabine; Weigl, Marion (2001): Benchmarking Arzneimittelausgaben. Strategien zur Kostendämpfung in der Europäischen Union. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien. ISBN 3-85159-025-2

Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Mildschuh, Stephan; Vogler, Sabine; Winkler, Petra; Antony, Katja (2002): Selbstbeteiligung. Internationaler Vergleich und Implikationen für Österreich. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.


Sabine, Vogler (2024): Der Arzneimittelsektor in Deutschland. MScPH-Basismodul „Politische und ökonomische Grundlagen des deutschen Gesundheitssystems“, Berlin.

Sabine, Vogler (2023): Preisbildung und Erstattung von Arzneimitteln in Europa. Lehrmodul "Industrie", Management im Gesundheitswesen, Berlin.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2024): Comparison of treatment effects in randomised and non-randomised studies: a meta-epidemiological analysis of over 2,700 studies. Gastvortrag an der London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Lehrgang "Executive MSc Healthcare Decision-Making, in collaboration with NICE programme", 17. Dezember 2024, online.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2025): Key questions for a new "fair pricing" model for medicinal products. ASCERTAIN Consortium Meeting, 22. Jänner 2025, online.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2023): Main findings and recommendations from the study on “Optimising Public Procurement of Medicines”. Optimising Procurement of Medicinal Products: A Hands-On Workshop for Procurers and Policymakers, 26. September 2023, Brüssel.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2023): Study on best practices in the public procurement of medicines. Meeting of the Commission Government Experts Group on Public Procurement (EXPP), 30. März 2023, Brüssel.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2024): What is a fair price? Reviewing “fair pricing” definitions from different perspectives. EHA2024 Congress, 14. Juni 2024, Madrid.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Fischer, Stefan; Knoll, Verena; Vogler, Sabine (2023): Leistungsspektrum der öffentlichen Apotheken in Österreich – Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse. Factsheet. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Fischer, Stefan; Knoll, Verena; Vogler, Sabine (2024): Pharmaceutical care in Austria: A survey on services provided by community pharmacies. Poster. 5th PPRI conference 2024: Ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policie, 25.-26. April 2024, Wien.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Helter, Timea; Vogler, Sabine (2024): Öffentliche Beschaffung von Arzneimitteln: Beschaffungspraktiken in Österreich und im europäischen Vergleich. Factsheet. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Hendrickx, Anne; Schneider, Peter; Zimmermann, Nina (2024): Defining fair prices for new health technologies. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Hendrickx, Anne; Schneider, Peter; Zimmermann, Nina (2024): Defining fair prices for new health technologies. Poster. 5th PPRI conference 2024: Ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, 25.-26. April 2024, Wien.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Hendrickx, Anne; Xander, Nicolas (2024): Towards a ‘New’ Pricing Model. ASCERTAIN Consortium Meeting, 13. Juni 2024, Madrid.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Hendrickx, Anne; Zimmermann, Nina (2024): "Fair" or "optimal" pricing of medicines: How do definitions for fair pricing align with economic theory? EuHEA Conference 2024, 2. Juli 2024, Wien.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Nguyenfd, Mary; Savović, Jelena; Higgins, Julian P.T. (2024): Treatment Effects in Randomized and Nonrandomized Studies of Pharmacological Interventions. A Meta-Analysis. JAMA Netw Open, 7 (9). e2436230.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Schneider, Peter; Zimmermann, Nina; Hendrickx, Anne (2024): Key insights from a review of fair pricing definitions. ASCERTAIN Consortium Meeting, 16. Jänner 2024, online.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Stefan, M; Knoll, Verena; Vogler, Sabine (2024): Pharmaceutical care in Austria: A survey on services provided by community pharmacies. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Vogler, Sabine; Habimana, Katharina (2024): Use of strategic approaches in public procurement of medicines: improving affordable patient access to medicines and protecting the environment in 32 European countries. 5th PPRI Conference, 25. April 2024, Wien.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Zimmermann, Nina; Schneider, Peter; Hendrickx, Anne (2023): HPR164 What Is a Fair Price? A Review of Definitions for Fair Prices of Health Technologies. Value in Health, 26 (12). p. 282.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Zimmermann, Nina; Schneider, Peter; Hendrickx, Anne (2023): What is a fair price? A review of definitions for fair prices of health technologies. Posterpräsentation. ISPOR Europe, 14. November 2023, Kopenhagen.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2023): Best practices in the public procurement of medicines. Medicines for Europe - 28th Annual Conference, 15. Juni 2023, Malta.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Habimana, Katharina; Vogler, Sabine (2022): HPR199 Public Procurement of Medicines: A Taxonomy of Procurement Systems in Europe. Value in Health, 25 (12). p. 269.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Habimana, Katharina; Vogler, Sabine (2022): Public Procurement of Medicines: A Taxonomy of Procurement Systems in Europe. Posterpräsentation. ISPOR 2022, 9. November 2022, Wien.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Knoll, Verena; Vogler, Sabine (2023): Leistungsspektrum der öffentlichen Apotheken im österreichischen Gesundheitssystem – Bestandsaufnahme, Analyse und Ausblick. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Shi, Chang; Patel, Disha; McDaid, David; Astudillo-Garcia, Claudia Iveth; Bobrow, Kirsten; Choy, Jacky; Comas-Herrera, Adelina; Fry, Andra; Knapp, Martin; Yi Leung, Dara Kiu; Lopez-Ortega, Mariana; Lorenz-Dant, Klara; Musyimi, Christine; Ndetei, David; Nguyen, Tuan Anh; Oliveira, Deborah; Putra, Aditya; Vara, Alisha; Wong, Gloria; Naci, Huseyin (2023): Research evaluating the effectiveness of dementia interventions in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic mapping of 340 randomised controlled trials. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38 (2). e5965.

Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Vogler, Sabine; Habimana, Katharina (2023): How to optimise public procurement of medicines? Lessons from a study on public procurement practices in 32 European countries. ATHEA Conference 2023, 23. Februar 2023, Wien.

Schneider, Peter; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Fischer, Stefan; Heindl, Bettina; Habl, Claudia (2023): Bio-hybrid medicinal products – Widening access or product differentiation? Posterpräsentation. ISPOR Europe, 14. November 2023, Kopenhagen.

Schneider, Peter; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Fischer, Stefan; Heindl, Bettina; Habl, Claudia (2023): HPR148 Bio-Hybrid Medicinal Products: Widening Access or Product Differentiation? Value in Health, 26 (12). p. 279.

Schneider, Peter; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Vogler, Sabine (2024): European comparison of prices for off-patent medicines – findings for 16 countries and implications for methodological choices. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).

Schneider, Peter (2022): Biosimilar Policies in European Countries. Biosimilar medicines - Multistakeholder Event, 13. Dezember 2022, Brüssel.

Schneider, Peter (2018): Das Österreichische Arzneimittelsystem (im Vergleich zu Deutschland). Studienbesuch FH Ostfalia, 19. September 2018, Ostfalia.

Schneider, Peter (2019): Entwicklungen in Europa zu Preisbildung und Erstattung. imh-Konferenz "Biosimilar", 20. März 2019, Wien.

Schneider, Peter (2019): External Price Referencing (EPR) - Practice and challenges. Meeting of the Nordic Council, 15. Mai 2019, Webinar.

Schneider, Peter (2020): How much can biosimilars contribute to savings in the German health system? 5. Konferenz der Austrian Health Economics Association (ATHEA), 28. Februar 2020, Wien.

Schneider, Peter (2016): Pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement reform in Kyrgyzstan. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen. ISBN 9789289052191

Schneider, Peter (2018): Pharmacy Reimbursement I – Overview European Systems. EU Ratspräsidentschaft, CAPR Meeting, 26. September 2018, Brüssel.

Schneider, Peter (2019): There is no such thing as a biosimilar patent cliff?!? - An analysis of price development of biological medicines after patent expiration. 4. Konferenz der Austrian Health Economics Association (ATHEA), 1. März 2019, Wien.

Schneider, Peter (2022): An analysis of price developments after patent expiration. virtual Winter Meeting - Utrecht University, 13. Jänner 2022, online.

Schneider, Peter; Fischer, Stefan; Heindl, Bettina (2021): Internationale Preisanalyse von Medikamenten im patentabgelaufenen Markt. Studienprotokoll. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Schneider, Peter; Habl, Claudia; Németh, Gergely (2019): Ex-post analysis of medicines subject to Managed-Entry-Agreements (MEAs) – a feasible approach for monitoring and price analyses. 4. International PPRI Conference 2019: Medicine access challenge - The value of pricing and reimbursement policies, 24. Oktober 2019, Wien.

Schneider, Peter; Rainer, Lukas; Zuba, Martin; Vogler, Sabine (2020): An analysis of price developments of biological medicines after patent expiration. Accepted Abstract. Euhea Conference 2020, 9. Juli 2020, Virtual conference.

Schneider, Peter; Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Zuba, Martin (2018): Preisvergleich ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten 2017. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Schneider, Peter; Zimmermann, Nina; Lepuschütz, Lena; Vogler, Sabine (2019): Estimating price developments of biological medicines during market exclusivity. 4. International PPRI Conference 2019: Medicine access challenge - The value of pricing and reimbursement policies, 24. Oktober 2019, Wien.

Steigenberger, Caroline; Windisch, Friederike; Vogler, Sabine (2023): Barriers and Facilitators in Pricing and Funding Policies of European Countries That Impact the Use of Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Outpatient Practices. Diagnostics, 13. p. 3596.

Steigenberger, Caroline; Windisch, Friederike; Vogler, Sabine (2023): MT7 Barriers and Facilitators for the Use of Point of Care Diagnostics in Patients With Respiratory Tract Infections in Outpatient Care Related to the Peri-Launch Phase. Value in Health, 26 (12). p. 428.

Steigenberger, Caroline; Vogler, Sabine; Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina (2022): HTA, Reimbursement and Pricing of Diagnostic Tests for CA-ARTI. Key facilitators and barriers and recommendations for pricing and funding. Recommendations for innovative fit for purpose pricing and funding models for CA-ARTI Dx (Task 5.5, Deliverable 5.4). Value-Dx Annual Meeting and General Assembly Meeting, 7. September 2022, Bologna.

Steigenberger, Caroline; Vogler, Sabine; Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina (2022): Recommendations for innovative fit for purpose pricing and funding models for CA-ARTI diagnostics (Tastk 5.4). Value-DX Consortium/Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Stürzlinger, Heidi; Pentz, Richard; Soede, Isabel (2022): Kosteneffektivität von Kommunikationstrainings für Gesundheitspersonal. Rapid Review zu ökonomischen Evaluationen. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.


Vogler, Sabine (2024): Arzneimittelpreispolitik und internationale Preisvergleiche. Zertifikatslehrgang Gesundheitsjournalismus, 13. November 2024, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Arzneimittelversorgung in Österreich. Studienbesuch des Ausschusses für Soziales, Arbeit, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung für das Land Niedersachsen, 10. September 2024, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Basics of medicines pricing. Webinar hosted by Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE), as part of the ASCERTAIN project, 7. März 2024, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Best Practices for Sustainable Pricing and Procurement of Medicines. Policy Dialogue - CAR “Ensuring sustainable and affordable access to medicines”, 18. April 2023, Almaty.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Best Practices for Sustainable Pricing and Procurement of Medicines. Policy Dialogue “Ensuring sustainable and affordable access to effective and novel medicines”, 25. Jänner 2023, Chisinau.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Best Practices for Sustainable Pricing and Procurement of Medicines. Policy Dialogue – CEI: Building resilient pharmaceutical and health product systems, 18. April 2024, Triest.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Can transparency improve access to medicines? State-of-play of publication of medicine prices and other market information in European countries. European Parliament, Committee on Petitions Meeting, 25. Jänner 2023, Brüssel/hybrid.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Challenges and good practice examples in pricing, reimbursement and demand-side measures to enhance the uptake of biosimilar medicines. 7th Multi-stakeholder Event on Biosimilar Medicines, 13. Dezember 2023, Brüssel.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Country-level government policies to address medicine shortages. Policy Dialogue – CEI: Building resilient pharmaceutical and health product systems, 18. April 2024, Triest.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Fake prices –Is there still a role for medicine price studies? Department of Health Economics (DHE) 10th Anniversary Symposium, 25. September 2023, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Findings from a Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) Network query: Tackling medicine shortages during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. EMA Medicine Shortages Single Point of Contact Working Party, 17. Juli 2024, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Gaps in Research & Policy. EFPN Steering Group meeting, 10. März 2023, Amsterdam.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): HTA & Policy: Recommendations related to funding, pricing, and procurement to enhance the use of Point-of-Care Tests for CA-LRTI. VALUE-DX Closing Conference, 5. September 2024, Valencia.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Horizon scanning of medicines: Overview article. Subgroup for Identification of Emerging Health Technologies (EHT), 6. Oktober 2023, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Improving access to affordable medicines Activities of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies. CERGAS seminar, 16. Februar 2023, Mailand.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Increasing prices to ensure availability of medicines? Financial incentives implemented as shortage mitigation policy in PPRI member countries. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Increasing prices to ensure availability of medicines? Financial incentives implemented as shortage mitigation policy in PPRI member countries. Poster. 5th PPRI conference 2024: Ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, 25.-26. April 2024, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Innovative Erstattungsmodelle. imh-PHARMAKON-Konferenz, 23. November 2023, Mauerbach.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Introduction to Resolution WHA72.8 with respect to implementation in the WHO European Region. Novel Medicines Platform (NMP), Working Group 1: Transparency, 5. Dezember 2023, Brüssel.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Introduction to the EU4Health AUGMENT Biosimilars capacity-building project. Meeting of the National Competent Authorities on Pricing and Reimbursement and Public Healthcare Payers (NCAPR), 9. Oktober 2024, Budapest.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Measuring price and expenditure in drug utilization. In: Drug Utilization Research: Methods and Applications. Wiley, pp. 137-147.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Medicine shortages: Government policy measures and developments. Office of Health Econonomics (OHE) Webinar: Drug Shortages: What are the causes, consequences and pathways to a solution, 24. September 2024, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Medicines and pharmaceutical services. A changing role in primary health care. Broadening the role of pharmaceutical services in primary care Webinar organised by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 27. Juni 2024, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): PPRI Update. Meeting of the National Competent Authorities on Pricing and Reimbursement and Public Healthcare Payers (NCAPR), 9. Oktober 2024, Budapest.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) network shortage survey results. Medicine Shortages (SPOC) Working Party, 6. Juli 2023, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies. International Master of Science in Sustainable Drug Discovery, 1. Dezember 2023, Gent.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Política do medicamento / Pharmaceutical policies. Economia da Saúde e Avaliação de Resultados em Saúde / Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, 24. Februar 2023, Lissabon.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Preisbildung und Erstattung von Arzneimitteln in Europa. Modul "Industrie", Management im Gesundheitswesen, 3. Juli 2023, Berlin.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Preisregulierung und nachfrageseitige Maßnahmen im Bereich der Biosimilars im internationalen Vergleich. Biosimilars 2023 – die Aut-idem- Regeln, 5. Juli 2023, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Presentation of the Austrian pharmaceutical system. PPRI Conference 2024. Workshop on Access to new and expensive medicines in Austria: what role for the new “appraisal board”?, 26. April 2024, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Secrecy of price discounts: a facilitator or barrier to access? Meeting on Revising procedure for updating WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines, 3. November 2023, Genf.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Spielen Umweltkriterien in der öffentlichen Arzneimittelbeschaffung eine Rolle? Status-Quo und Erfahrungen in 32 europäischen Ländern. EbM-Jahrestagung, 24. März 2023, Potsdam.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Study for the European Parliament “Potential measures to facilitate productions of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)”. “Made in Europe”, 29. September 2023, Graz.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Study for the European Parliament “Potential measures to facilitate productions of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)”. "Made in Europe", 29. September 2023, Graz.

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Tackling medicine shortages during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Compilation of governmental policy measures and developments in 38 countries. Health Policy, 143 (May). p. 105030. ISSN 0168-8510

Vogler, Sabine (2024): Transparency of cancer medicine prices and rebates. OECI 2024 Oncology Days, 14. Juni 2024, Helsinki.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Wirkstoffverordnung: Internationale Entwicklungen im Vergleich. Frühjahrsversammlung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Krankenhausapotheker, 14. April 2023, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Almarsdóttir, AnnaBirna (2024): Pharmaceutical policy and drug utilization. In: Drug Utilization Research: Methods and Applications. Wiley, pp. 225-233.

Vogler, Sabine; Dicheva-Radev, S.; Panteli, Dimitra; Busse, Reinhard (2024): Überblick über Maßnahmen zur Förderung des Einsatzes von Biosimilars in europäischen Ländern. In: Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2023. Springer, Berlin, pp. 63-95.

Vogler, Sabine; Habimana, Katharina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Fischer, Stefan (2024): Pricing, Procurement and Reimbursement Policies for Incentivizing Market Entry of Novel Antibiotics and Diagnostics: Learnings from 10 Countries Globally. Appl Health Econ Health Policy, 22. pp. 629-652.

Vogler, Sabine; Knoll, Verena; Perelman, Julian; Kuriata, Elżbieta (2024): Capacity building to support the uptake of biosimilars in a multistakeholder approach (AUGMENT Biosimilars). Biosimilars Multistakeholder Event, 5. Dezember 2024, Brüssel.

Vogler, Sabine; Leopold, Christine; Suleman, Fatima; Wirtz, Veronika J. (2024): Medicines and pharmaceutical services. In: Implementing the Primary Health Care approach: a primer. World Health Organization, Geneva, pp. 249-272.

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Habimana, Katharina (2024): Use of strategic approaches in public procurement of medicines: improving affordable patient access to medicines and protecting the environment in 32 European countries. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, 17 (1).

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Knoll, Verena (2024): Community pharmacy in Austria, England, Estonia and Portugal: Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the range of pharmacy services offered. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Knoll, Verena (2024): Community pharmacy in Austria, England, Estonia and Portugal: Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the range of pharmacy services offered? Poster. 5th PPRI conference 2024: Ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, 25.-26. April 2024, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Knoll, Verena (2023): Leistungsspektrum der öffentlichen Apotheken – internationaler Vergleich. Factsheet. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Steigenberger, Caroline (2023): HPR146 Fit for Purpose Policy Recommendations Related to Funding, Pricing, and Procurement of Point-of-Care Tests Used in Patients With Respiratory Tract Infections. Value in Health, 26 (12). p. 279.

Vogler, Sabine; Steigenberger, Caroline; Windisch, Friederike (2024): Improving antibiotic prescribing – Recommendations for funding and pricing policies to enhance use of point-of-care tests. Health Policy OPEN, 7. p. 100129. ISSN 0168-8510

Vogler, Sabine; Wettermark, Björn (2023): Challenges with new medications. EuroDURG Conference 2023, 29. Juni 2023, Bologna.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina (2023): Zugang zu Arzneimitteln: Wie kommen Medikamente auf den Markt, und wie kommen Patientinnen und Patienten an die Medikamente? ÖKUSS Webinar, 20. September 2023, online.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Gombocz, Margit; Knoll, Verena (2024): Approaching two decades of information sharing between competent authorities: Experience from the Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) network. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Gombocz, Margit; Knoll, Verena (2024): Approaching two decades of information sharing between competent authorities: Experience from the Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) network. Poster. 5th PPRI conference 2024: Ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policie, 25.-26. April 2024, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Knoll, Verena; Espin Balbino, Jaime; Mantel-Teeuwisse, Aukje K. (2024): Innovations in pharmaceutical policies and learnings for sustainable access to affordable medicines. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 17 (1). p. 2335492.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Knoll, Verena; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Windisch, Friederike; Espin Balbino, Jaime; Mantel-Teeuwisse, Aukje; Panteli, Dimitra; Suleman, Fatima; Wirtz, Veronika J.; Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din (2024): We need to be part of the solution’: lessons from the 2024 PPRI Conference on ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 17 (1). p. 2442002. ISSN 2052-3211

Vogler, Sabine (2019): 10 Jahre Pharma-Plattform - Präsentation der Ergebnisse der Stakeholder-Befragung. Pharma-Plattform, 11. September 2019, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2018): Access to High-Cost Medicines in Europe. In: Equitable Access to High-Cost Pharmaceuticals. Elsevier, pp. 143-164.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Access to information in markets for medicines in the WHO European Region. Oslo Medicines Initiative technical report. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Access to innovative cancer medicines in Europe. Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI) Oncology Days, 16. Juni 2021, Online.

Vogler, Sabine (2018): Addressing high drug prices: What can be learned from European policies? Knowledge Network for Innovation and Access to Medicines. Graduate Institute of Geneva, 13. Dezember 2018, Webinar.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Affordability of medicines for patients and health systems sustainability. PGEU Economic Working Group, 8. September 2020, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2023): Arzneimittelversorgung: Gesundheitspolitische Maßnahmen für faire Preise. In: Gesundheit für alle: Reflexionen und Zukunftstrends. Verlag Österreich, Wien, 145-156, https://doi.org/10.33196/9783704692436-113.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Biosimilar Policies in PPRI countries. Webinar on Biosimilar Policies in PPRI countries, 29. September 2022, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Biosimilar policies. WHO Essential Medicines List (EML) Cancer Working Group, 24. März 2022, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2018): Biosimilars: Entwicklungen in Europa. Preisbildung und Erstattungssituation. imh Fachkonferenz Biosimilars, 31.Jänner 2018, Vienna.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Blitzlicht auf erste Arbeiten der GÖG-Pharmaökonomie zum Thema "Ökologischer Fußabdruck: Welche Rolle spielen Arzneimittel". Pharma-Plattform, 27. Juni 2022, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Can we achieve affordable cancer medicine prices? Developing a pathway for change. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research. pp. 1-5.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Centralised procurement of medicines and vaccines – European comparative analysis and success factors. 6. Konferenz der Austrian Health Economics Association (ATHEA), 24. September 2021, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Challenges of pricing new cancer medicines. Internal international webinar organised by NKI (Dutch Cancer Institute), 5. November 2021, Online.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Comparative analysis of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies in 47 countries. 24. Jahreskonferenz der Italian Health Economics Association (AIES), 3. Oktober 2019, Pisa.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): EU Pharmaceutical Straetgy. imh Online „Market Access & Erstattung“, 14. Dezember 2021, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): EU centralised procurement. Virtual Exchange Forum on Medicines Procurement organised by EAHP, 21. Oktober 2021, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Ein globales Problem. Gesundheit und Gesellschaft - Spezial. Das AOK-Forum für Politik, Praxis und Wissenschaft, 23 (12). p. 11.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): European collaborations on patient access to medicines – Lessons learned and implications for national pricing policies such as external price referencing. HTA Conference, 23. März 2021, Online-Konferenz.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Fair Prices for medicines? Exploring competent authorities and public payers preferences on pharmaceutical policies. Empirica - Journal of European Economics, 46 (3). pp. 443-469.

Vogler, Sabine (2018): Fair prices for medicines? Exploring competent authorities’ and Public Payers’ preferences on pharmaceutical policies. Annual Meeting & 100th Anniversary of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG), 12. Mai 2018, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2018): Financial burden of co-payment for outpatient medicines in European countries. EuHEA (European Health Association) Conference, 12. Juli 2018, Maastricht.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Gratulation mit Wunschliste - Europäischer Blick aus dem Nachbarland. In: AMNOG-Report 2020. 10 Jahre AMNOG - Rückblick und Ausblick. Beiträge zur Gesundheitsökonomie und Versorgungsforschung, Bd 32 . medhochzwei, Bielefeld & Hamburg, pp. 196-208. ISBN 978-3-86216-722-7

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Hochpreisige Arzneimittel - Internationale Lösungsansätze. BKK Werkstattgespräch, 30. April 2021, Online-Konferenz.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): How does real world evidence impact decision-making now and in the future: Using RWD/RWE to improve affordable access to medicines. Joint Meeting of the Health and Pharmaceutical Sector Chief Officers, 27. September 2019, Helsinki.

Vogler, Sabine (2018): How to redesign pricing, reimbursement and procurement? Policy brief on ensuring access to medicines. Network of Competent Authority of Pricing and Reimbursement (NCAPR) meeting, 26. September 2018, Vienna.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Il miglioramento dei processi, la cooperazione, l’evidenza e la trasparenza: i temi chiave per le proposte di riforma delle politiche sul prezzo e rimborso dei farmaci. Politiche Sanitarie, 20 (4). pp. 180-182. ISSN 2038-1832

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Improving access to HIV, Hep C and TB medicines - Which role do pricing policies play? AIDS Action Europe, 21. Juni 2019, Webinar.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Internationale Entwicklungen in herausfordernden Zeiten. imh PharmaKON 2021, 24. November 2021, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Internationale Entwicklungen in herausfordernden Zeiten. imh-pharmaKON-Konferenz, 22. November 2022, Mauerbach.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Is the grass always greener on the other side? History, rationale, and the dos and don’ts of external reference pricing. Experience on Austria. WHO-Webinar on Country pharmaceutical pricing policies, 11. August 2021, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2014): Liberalization in the Pharmacy Sector. OECD Global Forum on Distribution, Paris.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Managed Entry Agreements (MEA) and their confidentiality across Europe. Convegno Nazionale "Econonomia & Politica del Farmaco e delle Tecnologie Sanitarie", 28. Juni 2019, Mailand.

Vogler, Sabine (2018): Managing the Next Decade in Cancer. Innovation meets Growing Inequalities. World Health Summit 2018, 14. Oktober 2018, Berlin.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Maßnahmen europäischer Länder zum Umgang mit Lieferengpässen und zur Verbesserung der Versorgungssicherheit – Ergebnisse von GÖG-Studien. Virtuelle Pharma-Plattform, 17. September 2020, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Measures to manage, reduce and prevent medicines shortages in European countries in 2020. 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020, 15. Oktober 2020, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Medicines Pricing: Limitations of Existing Policies and New Models. In: Global Pharmaceutical Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapur, doi.org/10.1007/978-981.

Vogler, Sabine (2018): Medicines reimbursement policies in Europe. IADB (Inter-American Development Bank), 24. Oktober 2018, Webinar.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Medicines shortages (non-accessibility of medicines) - from the perspective of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies. Treffen des COST ACTION CA15105 (European Medicines Shortages Research Network), 13. März 2019, Leuven.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Medicines shortages of COVID-19 relevant medication in Italy, Austria and Spain during the first months of the pandemic. Convegno annuale AIES (Associazione Italiana di Economia Sanitaria), 3. Dezember 2021, Mailand / online (hybrid).

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Medikamente zu „fairen“ Preisen: Aktuelle Herausforderungen, Diskussionen und Lösungsansätze in Europa. 8. AMNOG-Infotag, 11. November 2020, Online.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): National perspectives on cross-border initiatives and joint EU level procurement in the field of medicines. European Cross-border Initiatives: Toward Fair Medicine Deals?, organised by Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL), the European Fair Pricing Network (EFPN) and the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), 9. Dezember 2021, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): New payment models for medicines. Introductory overview. Network of Competent Authority of Pricing and Reimbursement (NCAPR) meeting, 20. Juni 2022, Brüssel/online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): New payment models for potentially innovative medicines and country experiences. PPRI Online Network Meeting, 4. Mai 2022, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Nutzenbewertung / Health Technology Assessment (HTA) von Arzneimitteln im Spannungsfeld zwischen Zulassung und Preisbildung - Europavergleich. Krankenhaus-Pharmazie Update, 24. Mai 2019, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): PPRI Pharma Brief: France 2020. Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) Pharma Briefs Series. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): PPRI Pharma Brief: Italy 2021. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): PPRI Pharma Brief: Spain 2020. Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) Pharma Briefs Series. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Payer policies to support innovation and access to medicines in the WHO European Region. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. Lizenz: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO, Copenhagen.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Pharmaceutical Policies for Better Access to Medicines. WHO Barcelona Course on Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage, 19. März 2019, Barcelona.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Pharmaceutical price comparisons. JoPPP (Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice) Conference 2020, 21. November 2020, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Pharmaceutical regulation and policies in Austria. Rev Bras Farm Hosp Serv Saude [Internet], 13 (1). p. 639.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Policies to support innovation and access to medicines in the WHO European Region. Oslo Medicines Initiative (OMI) Webinar #2: Models for financing novel medicinesto support innovation as a public good, 20. Jänner 2022, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Preisbildung und Erstattung von Medikamenten in Österreich und international. Herausforderung hochpreisige Medikamente, internationale Diskussionen, Transparenz. imh-Konferenz "Praxiswissen", 19. Jänner 2021, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Preise bei neuen Arzneimitteln. Trends, Vergleiche, Analysen. IQWIG-Herbst-Symposium, 26. November 2021, Köln/Online.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Preisregulierung für neue Arzneimittel (mit Zusatznutzen) - Perspektiven und Lösungsansätze. Expertengespräch mit der AOK, 12. Juni 2019, Berlin.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Preisregulierungen im internationalen Vergleich. In: Arzneimittel-Kompass 2021. Hochpreisige Arzneimittel – Herausforderung und Perspektiven [Medicines Compass 2021. High-priced medicines – Challenge and perspectives]. Springer, pp. 125-158.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Price transparency. Vancouver Group Meeting, 15. September 2022, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Price transparency. Oslo Medicines Initiative (OMI) webinar 3: Pricing, reimbursement and coverage policies for sustainable access to affordable innovative medicines, 27. Jänner 2022, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Prices of new medicines: International analysis and policy optionsPreise bei neuen Arzneimitteln: internationale Analysen und Handlungsoptionen. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 175. pp. 96-102.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Promoting the use of generic and biosimilar medicines in European countries. Pre-2021 Fair Pricing Forum webinar “Country experience and recommendations from the WHO Guideline on Country Pharmaceutical Pricing Policies”, 7. April 2021, Online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): “Ready for the future?” – Status of national and cross-country horizon scanning systems for medicines in European countries. GMS German Medical Science, 20 (Doc05). DOI: 10.3205/000307.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Research study on impact and benefits of cross-country collaboration in the European region. 4. Konferenz der Austrian Health Economics Association (ATHEA), 1. März 2019, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2018): Shining some light on confidential arrangements Relevance of discounts for pharmaceutical pricing in European countries. EbM-Kongress, 9. März 2018, Graz.

Vogler, Sabine (2021): Solutions for preventing and mitigating the impact of shortages in the EU. Future-proofing pharmaceutical legislation – study on medicine shortages. Final consultation event, 1. Juli 2021, Online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Spotlight on transparency. Increasing transparency of prices paid for pharmaceuticals: what might happen? Launch of Policy Brief on Net Price Transparency for Pharmaceuticals, 17. Mai 2022, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Strategies for containing costs of expensive new pharmaceuticals - Experience from European countries. 8th Meeting of the OECD Joint Network of Senior Budget and Health Officials, 11. Februar 2019, Paris.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Strategies for containing costs of expensive new pharmaceuticals. Experience from European countries. 8th Meeting of the OECD Joint Network of Senior Budget and Health Officials, 11. Februar 2020, Paris.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Transparency in medicines prices and pharmaceutical policies - Components and examples. 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020, 13. Oktober 2020, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Transparency in pharmaceutical markets. What does it mean and why should we care? Baltic Policy Dialogue, 14. November 2022, Vilnius.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): What are the real impacts & benefits of cross-border collaborations? Findings from research. World Orphan Drug Congress Europe, 14. November 2019, Barcelona.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Wie mit Lieferengpässen umgehen? Ergebnisse aus einer Studie über die Maßnahmen in 24 Ländern. Versorgungssicherheit mit Arzneimitteln – eine gesamteuropäische Herausforderung, 26. November 2020, Online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Zugang und Finanzierung von hochpreisigen Arzneimitteln. imh-Online-Seminar „Market Access und Erstattung, 5. April 2022, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2019): Zugang zu Medikamenten - Policy Briefs "How to stimulate innovation to meet patients' needs?" und "How to redesign pricing, reimbursement and procurement". Pharma Plattform, 31. Jänner 2019, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine (2020): Zugang zu Medikamenten: Versorgungssicherheit und Leistbarkeit. Was tut sich auf europäischer und internationaler Ebene? imh PharmaKON Erstattung, 24. November 2020, online.

Vogler, Sabine (2022): Zugang zu leistbaren Arzneimitteln und Impfstoffen: Welchen Beitrag können innovative Pharmaökonomie und Arzneimittelpolitik leisten? In: Gesundheitspolitik und Gesellschaft in der COVID-19-Krise. Eine globale Herausforderung. Lit-Verlag, Münster, pp. 117-133. ISBN 978-3-643-51100-3

Vogler, Sabine; Antony, Katja; Arts, Danielle; Habl, Claudia; Fröschl, Barbara; Leopold, Christine; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Stürzlinger, Heidi; Weigl, Marion (2006): Pharmaceutical Systems In The European Union 2006. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Antony, Katja; Habl, Claudia; Leopold, Christine (2005): Arzneimittelsysteme in den neuen EU-Mitgliedstaaten Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Malta, Polen, Slowakei, Slowenien, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Zypern. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Arts, Danielle; Habl, Claudia (2006): Community Pharmacy In Europe. Lessons from deregulation – case studies. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Arts, Danielle; Sandberger, Katharina (2012): Impact of pharmacy deregulation and regulation in European countries. Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Bak Pedersen, Hanne; Dedet, Guillaume (2019): Financial Burden of Prescribed Medicines Included in Outpatient Benefits Package Schemes: Comparative Analysis of Co-Payments for Reimbursable Medicines in European Countries. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy volume (17). pp. 803-816.

Vogler, Sabine; Bak Pedersen, Hanne; Dedet, Guillaume; Schneider, Peter (2019): Affordable and equitable access to subsidised outpatient medicines? Analysis of co-payments under the Additional Drug Package in Kyrgyzstan. International Journal for Equity in Health, 18 (89). ISSN 1475-9276

Vogler, Sabine; Bauer, Eveli; Habimana, Katharina (2022): Centralised Pharmaceutical Procurement: Learnings from Six European Countries. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 20. pp. 637-650.

Vogler, Sabine; Fischer, Stefan (2020): How to address medicines shortages: Findings from a cross-sectional study of 24 countries. Health Policy. doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2020.09.001.

Vogler, Sabine; Fischer, Stefan (2020): Lieferengpässe bei Arzneimitteln: Internationale Evidenz und Empfehlungen für Deutschland. Kurzgutachten. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Freihoff, Wilhelm (2003): Kostenfaktoren der tierärztlichen Hausapotheke. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien. ISBN 3-85159-059-7

Vogler, Sabine; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Dedet, Guillaume; Lam, Janice; Bak Pedersen, Hanne (2018): Medicines Reimbursement Policies in Europe. WHO Regional Office for Europe. ISBN 9789289053365

Vogler, Sabine; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Van den Ham, Rianne; Suleman, Fatima (2020): Assessment of cross-country collaborations to improve access to medicines in the WHO European Region. Accepted Abstract. Euhea Conference 2020, 9. Juli 2020, Virtual conference.

Vogler, Sabine; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Van den Ham, Rianne; Suleman, Fatima; Humbert, Tifenn; Garner, Sarah (2020): Cross-country collaborations to improve access to medicines and vaccines in the WHO European Region. World Health Organization, Denmark.

Vogler, Sabine; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Zimmermann, Nina (2021): Financial burden of medicines for patients: Co-payments and protective measures in European countries. Factsheet prepared for the European Public Health Week 2021. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Zimmermann, Nina (2019): PPRI Pharma Brief: Austria 2019. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; van den Harn, Rianne; Humpert, Tifenn; Garner, Sarah; Suleman, Fatima (2021): European collaborations on medicine and vaccine procurement. Bull World Health Organ, 99 (10). pp. 715-721.

Vogler, Sabine; Habimana, Katharina (2014): Pharmaceutical pricing policies in European countries. Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Habimana, Katharina; Bauer, Eveli; Schneider, Peter; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2021): Assessment of Centralised Procurement of Medicines in Portugal. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Habimana, Katharina; Bauer, Eveli; Schneider, Peter; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2021): Avaliação das Aquisições Centralizadas dos Medicamentos em Portugal – Relatório de Síntese. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Habimana, Katharina; Fischer, Stefan; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2021): National Policy Options for New AMR Health Technologies. Based on the study. Policy Brief #01. Global AMR R&D Hub, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Habimana, Katharina; Fischer, Stefan; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2021): Novel policy options for reimbursement, pricing and procurement of AMR health technologies. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Habimana, Katharina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2022): Purchasing medicines for the public sector: Evaluation of the performance of centralised procurement in Portugal. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37 (4). pp. 2007-2031.

Vogler, Sabine; Habl, Claudia (2003): Arzneimitteldistribution in Skandinavien. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien. ISBN 3-85159-060-0

Vogler, Sabine; Habl, Claudia (2000): E-Pharma. Arzneimittelvertrieb im Internet. Kurzfassung. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Habl, Claudia; Kranvogel-Zellermayer, Edith; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid (2000): Apothekenleistungen im europäischen Vergleich. Kurzfassung. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

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Vogler, Sabine; Kos, Mitja; Mardetko, Nika (2019): Review of studies reporting actual prices for medicines. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcome Research, 19 (2). pp. 159-179.

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Vogler, Sabine; Lepuschütz, Lena; Schneider, Peter; Stühlinger, Verena (2015): Study on enhanced cross-country coordination in the area of pharmaceutical product pricing. Final report. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Panteli, Dimitra; Busse, Reinhard (2021): Biologika und Biosimilars in Deutschland und im europäischen Vergleich – Marktsteuerungsmechanismen und Preisvergleich. In: Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2021. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 75-107.

Vogler, Sabine; Panteli, Dimitra; Zimmermann, Nina; Busse, Reinhard (2023): Überblick über Maßnahmen zur Förderung des Einsatzes von Biosimilars in europäischen Ländern. In: Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2022. Aktuelle Daten, Kosten, Trends und Kommentare. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 57-81.

Vogler, Sabine; Paris, Valérie; Panteli, Dimitra (2018): Ensuring access to medicines: How to redesign pricing, reimbursement and procurement? Policy Brief No. 30. World Health Organization, Copenhagen.

Vogler, Sabine; Pertile, Paolo; Gamba, Simona (2019): Impact of managed-entry agreements on medicines list prices. 4. International PPRI Conference 2019: Medicine access challenge - The value of pricing and reimbursement policies, 23. Oktober 2019, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Rodríguez Sánchez, Diana Ivonne (2022): Medicines to treat COVID-19 symptoms in short supply. Analysis of shortages registers in Austria, Italy and Spain during the first wave and fourth wave. European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) conference, 7. Juli 2022, Oslo.

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2022): How to optimise public procurement for medicines? Presentation of the preliminary results of the Study on Best Practices in the Public Procurement of Medicines (PPM). Meeting of the National Authorities on Pricing and Reimbursement and Public Healthcare Payers (NCAPR), 11. Oktober 2022, Webinar.

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2023): Leistungsspektrum der öffentlichen Apotheken im österreichischen Gesundheitssystem. Bestandsaufnahme, Analyse und Ausblick. APOtag & APOkongress, 16. Juni 2023, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2022): Study on Best Practices in the Public Procurement of Medicines (PPM). Network of Competent Authority of Pricing and Reimbursement (NCAPR) meeting, 11. Oktober 2022, online.

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian (2023): Study on Best Practices in the Public Procurement of Medicines (PPM). Key findings. Webinar on best practices in the public procurement of medicines, 7. Februar 2023, Webinar.

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Habimana, Katharina (2023): Interface policies bridging outpatient and hospital sectors in Europe: can cross-sectorial collaboration in reimbursement and procurement improve access to affordable medicines? Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research. DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2023.2237683.

Vogler, Sabine; Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Habimana, Katharina (2022): Study on best practices in the public procurement of medicines. Final report. European Health and Digital Executive Agency: Publications Office of the European Union, Brussels.

Vogler, Sabine; Schmickl, Bettina (2010): Rationale Arzneimitteltherapie in Europa. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Schmickl, Bettina; Zimmermann, Nina (2013): Short PPRI / PHIS Pharma Profile. Austria 2013. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter (2019): Assessing Data Sources for Medicine Price Studies. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 35 (2). pp. 106-115.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter (2019): Choosing the right medicines for price comparisons - Analysis of prices of pharmaceutical presentations of the same active ingredient. 4. International PPRI Conference 2019: Medicine access challenge - The value of pricing and reimbursement policies, 24. Oktober 2019, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter (2019): Impact of the external price referencing methodology (EPR) on medicine prices – Simulation of existing EPR models. 4. International PPRI Conference 2019: Medicine access challenge - The value of pricing and reimbursement policies, 24. Oktober 2019, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter (2018): Reimbursement for medicines - Similarities and differences of reference price systems in six European countries. EuHEA (European Health Association) Conference, 13. Dezember 2018, Maastricht.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter; Fischer, Stefan; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Heindl, Bettina; Windisch, Friederike (2021): Preisvergleich ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten 2019. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter; Lepuschütz, Lena (2020): Impact of changes in the methodology of external price referencing on medicine prices: discrete-event simulation. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 18 (51). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12962-020-00247-3.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter; Panteli, Dimitra; Busse, Reinhard (2020): Biosimilars in Deutschland und im europäischen Vergleich – Marktsteuerungsmechanismen und Einsparpotenziale. In: Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2020. Springer, Berlin, doi.org/10.1007. ISBN 978-3-662-62168-4

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter; Panteli, Dimitri; Busse, Reinhard (2019): Biosimilars in Deutschland und im europäischen Vergleich – Entwicklungen und Potenziale. In: Arzneiverordnungs-Report 2019. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter; Zimmermann, Nina (2019): Estimating Real Prices of Medicines used in Hospitals - Study protocol. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter; Zimmermann, Nina (2019): Evolution of Average European Medicine Prices: Implications for the Methodology of External Price Referencing. PharmacoEconomics - Open (3). pp. 303-309.

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Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter; Zimmermann, Nina (2017): Price comparison of high-cost medicines 2017.Study protocol. Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna.

Vogler, Sabine; Schneider, Peter; Zuba, Martin; Busse, Reinhard; Panteli, Dimitra (2021): Policies to Encourage the Use of Biosimilars in European Countries and Their Potential Impact on Pharmaceutical Expenditure. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12.

Vogler, Sabine; Steigenberger, Caroline (2022): Recommendations related to Funding, Pricing and Procurement to enhance uptake of POC diagnostic tests. Webinar on the VALUE-Dx project and the policy recommendations, 25. Oktober 2022, online.

Vogler, Sabine; Suleman, Fatima (2018): Research study on impact and benefits of cross border collaboration in WHO European Region. INFARMED Conference “Facing the Challenges – Equity, Sustainability and Access, 29. November 2018, Lissabon.

Vogler, Sabine; Van den Ham, Rianne; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Suleman, Fatima (2019): Together working to improve access to medicines: analysis of cross-country collaborations in Europe. 4. International PPRI Conference 2019: Medicine access challenge - The value of pricing and reimbursement policies, 24. Oktober 2019, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Windisch, Friederike (2022): Assessing, Pricing and Funding Point-of-Care Diagnostic Tests for Community-Acquired Acute Respiratory Tract Infections–Overview of Policies Applied in 17 European Countries. Antibiotics, 11 (18). p. 987.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina (2022): Design of value-added tax on medicines in 41 European countries. European Journal of Public Health, 32 (3). iii632.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina (2021): Financial burden of medicines for patients: Co-payments and protective measures in European countries. Webinar zum Tagesmotto: Leaving no one behind im Rahmen der European Public Health Week 2021, 21. Mai 2021, Online.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina (2022): Improving medicines access in Brazil through collaboration in the PPRI network. Revista Brasileira de Farmácia Hospitalar e Serviços de Saúde, 13 (2). p. 677.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina (2022): Policies to enhance use of biosimilar medicines in 50 countries. Can policy makers draw on learnings from generic policies? European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) Conference, 7. Juli 2022, Oslo.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Babar-Ud-Din, Zaheer; Busse, Reinhard; Espin Balbino, Jaime; Mantel-Teeuwisse, Aukje; Panteli, Dimitra; Suleman, Fatima; Wirtz, Veronika J. (2021): Addressing the medicines access challenge through balance, evidence, collaboration and transparency: key take-away lessons of the 4th PPRI Conference. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 14 (18).

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Dedet, Guillaume; Lam, Janice; Bak Pedersen, Hanne (2020): Pharmaceutical Pricing and reimbursement systems in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Kopenhagen.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Haasis, Alexander; Babar-Ud-Din, Zaheer; Busse, Reinhard; Espin Balbino, Jaime (2019): Can pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies make a difference in promoting equitable access to affordable medicines? From diagnosis to sustainable impact. Editorial. 4. International PPRI Conference 2019: Medicine access challenge - The value of pricing and reimbursement policies, 24. Oktober 2019, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2020): Comparison of co-payment regulations for medicines in 46 countries. Accepted Abstract. Euhea Conference 2020, 9. Juli 2020, Virtual conference.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2019): PPRI Report 2018 - Pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies in 47 PPRI network member countries. WHO Collaborating Centre for Pricing and Reimbursement Policies. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Habimana, Katharina (2014): Study of the policy mix for the reimbursement of medicinal products. Proposal for a best practice-based approach based on stakeholder assessment. Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH und SOGETI, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Habl, Claudia (2015): Kostenintensive Arzneispezialitäten im europäischen Preisvergleich. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Wien. ISBN 978-3-85159-190-3

Vogler, Sabine; Zimmermann, Nina; Windisch, Friederike (2022): PPRI Medical Devices Brief: France 2022. PPRI Medical Devices Briefs Series. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Vogler, Sabine; de Rooij, Roger (2018): Medication wasted – Contents and costs of medicines ending up in household garbage. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 14 (12). pp. 1140-1146.


Webb, Erin; Richardson, Erica; Vogler, Sabine; Panteli, Dimitra (2022): What are the implications of policies increasing transparency of prices paid for pharmaceuticals? World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.

Weigl, Marion; Antony, Katja (2008): Arzneimittelsysteme in Bulgarien und Rumänien. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

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Windisch, Friederike (2023): Advancing accessibility and affordability of medical devices and in vitro diagnostics by bridging the information gap and complexity. WHO Fair Pricing Forum 2024, 7. Februar 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike (2024): Medizinproduktemeldeverordnung 2024: Neuerungen, Übergangsfristen und Meldeerfordernisse. Österreichisches Register für Medizinprodukte. Regulatory.Affairs 2024, 12. Juni 2024, Linz.

Windisch, Friederike (2024): PPRI Subgroup on Medical Devices. Update from PPRI secretariat. 6th Meeting of the PPRI Subgroup on Medical Devices, 6. März 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike (2023): Study on the implementation of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices on the EU market. 53rd CAMD plenary meeting, 19. September 2023, online.

Windisch, Friederike (2023): Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). Online-Forum: Regulatory Update, 20. September 2023, online.

Windisch, Friederike (2023): Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). BeHEALTH 2023 - Panel discussion 5. MDR and IVD Regulation, challenges for NBs and market operators, 24. Oktober 2023.

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Windisch, Friederike; Fischer, Stefan (2024): Österreichisches Register für Medizinprodukte. Webinar für Sonderanfertiger:innen, 27. Mai 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Gombocz, Margit (2024): Webinar für Händler:innen von Medizinprodukten. Österreichisches Register für Medizinprodukte. Webinar für Händler:innen von Medizinprodukten, 21. Mai 2024, online.

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Windisch, Friederike; Gombocz, Margit; Ma, Rui (2024): Webinar für Sonderanfertiger:innen. Österreichisches Register für Medizinprodukte. Webinar für Sonderanfertiger:innen, 15. Mai 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Gombocz, Margit; Ma, Rui (2024): Österreichisches Register für Medizinprodukte. Webinar für Händler:innen von Medizinprodukten, 7. Mai 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Habimana, Katharina (2024): Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). Dialogforum MT Sweden, 23. Februar 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Knoll, Verena; Besate, Gaia (2024): Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03): Newcomer Session. Webinar for notified bodies, 7. November 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Knoll, Verena; Habimana, Katharina (2024): Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market. (HaDea/2021/P3/03). NBCG-Med Meeting, 8. Oktober 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Vogler, Sabine (2023): Medical Devices Glossary. Abbreviations, Terms, and Symbols. Posterpräsentation. EuroDURG 2023, 27. Juni 2023, Bologna.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina (2024): EU4Health Study supporting the monitoring the availability of medical devices on the EU market. NoBoCap Community Summit 2024, 25 September 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina (2024): Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HADEA/2021/P3/03). NBCG-MED Meeting, 9. April 2024, Brüssel.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina (2024): Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). MDCG and Stakeholders Meeting, 13. Mai 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina (2024): Update on the study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). MDCG and Stakeholders Meeting, 14. Oktober 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina (2024): Update on the study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). MDCG and Stakeholders Meeting, 17. Dezember 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Gentile, Mario; Piccoli, Giannina (2023): Webinar for notified bodies. Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). Webinar for notified bodies, 11. April 2023, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Gentile, Mario; Piccoli, Giannina (2023): Webinar for notified bodies. Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). Webinar for notified bodies, 13. April 2023, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Habimana, Katharina; Fischer, Stefan; Knoll, Verena; Vogler, Sabine (2023): One-pager (short version) on “Study on the implementation of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices on the EU market (single-use devices). Factsheet. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Knoll, Verena; Besate, Gaia (2024): Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices onthe EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). Webinar for economic operators (manufacturers, authorized representatives, importers, distributors), 16. Jänner 2025, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Knoll, Verena; Habimana, Katharina (2024): Study on the implementation of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/04): Study overview and key findings. Webinar on reprocessing of single-use devices, 7. Juni 2024, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Piccoli, Giannina; Del Prete, Margherita (2023): Webinar for manufacturers and AR of MD and IVDs. Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market (HaDEA/2021/P3/03). Webinar for manufacturers and authorised representatives of MD and IVDs, 7. Dezember 2023, online.

Windisch, Friederike (2021): EUDAMED-Modul zur Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren. Sechs Schritte der Registrierung, praktische Tipps und FAQs. BASG-Gespräch: Das neue europäische Medizinprodukterecht, 15. September 2021, Webinar.

Windisch, Friederike (2022): Market access, pricing, and reimbursement policies of medical devices in Austria. Utrecht Virtual Winter Meeting 2022, 13. Jänner 2022, Online-Konferenz.

Windisch, Friederike (2018): Medical devices – future project 2018. Utrecht WHO Winter Meeting, 9. bis 10. Jänner 2018, Utrecht.

Windisch, Friederike (2020): Medizinprodukte-Verordnung: Aktuelles zu EUDAMED. Final Countdown: Medizinprodukte-Verordnung, 23. Jänner 2020, Wien.

Windisch, Friederike (2022): Medizinprodukte‐Glossar 2022. Abkürzungen, Fachbegriffe und Symbole. Version 1.0. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Windisch, Friederike (2022): PPRI comparative analysis on pricing and reimbursement of medical devices 2019. 4th Meeting of the PPRI Subgroup on Medical Devices, 22. Februar 2022, online.

Windisch, Friederike (2021): Pricing and reimbursement of medical devices in the outpatient sector in 15 countries. Utrecht Virtual Winter Meeting 2021, 13. Jänner 2021, Online-Konferenz.

Windisch, Friederike (2021): Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED. Webinare zur Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED, 28. April 2021, Webinar.

Windisch, Friederike (2021): Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED. Webinare zur Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED, 25. Mai 2021, Webinar.

Windisch, Friederike (2021): Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED. Webinare zur Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED, 23. Juni 2021, Webinar.

Windisch, Friederike (2021): Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED. Webinare zur Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED, 5. Oktober 2021, Webinar.

Windisch, Friederike (2021): Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED. Webinare zur Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren in EUDAMED, 24. November 2021, Webinar.

Windisch, Friederike (2023): The World of Medical Devices. Medical Devices Glossary, Classifications and Nomenclatures. 5th Meeting of the PPRI Subgroup on Medical Devices, 1. März 2023, online.

Windisch, Friederike; Gombocz, Margit (2021): LISAvienna Regulatory Konferenz für Medizinprodukte und In-vitro Diagnostika. EUDAMED-Modul zur Registrierung von Wirtschaftsakteuren. LISAvienna Regulatory Konferenz 2021, 12. Oktober 2021, Wien.

Windisch, Friederike; Haasis, Manuel Alexander; Schneider, Peter; Vogler, Sabine (2019): Preisvergleich ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten 2019 - Studienprotokoll. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Windisch, Friederike; Habl, Claudia (2022): EURIPID. Feasibility study for the integration of medical devices into EURIPID. Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna.

Windisch, Friederike; Habl, Claudia (2021): Feasibility study on the potential integration of Medical Devices. 9. Euripid Partner Treffen, 21. September 2021, Online.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Habimana, Katharina; Knoll, Verena; Fischer, Stefan; Vogler, Sabine (2023): One-pager (long version) “Study on the implementation of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices on the EU market (single-use devices)”. Factsheet. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Habimana, Katharina; Knoll, Verena; Vogler, Sabine (2023): One-pager (long version) on “Study supporting the monitoring of the availability of medical devices on the EU market (MD Availability)”. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Habimana, Katharina; Steigenberger, Caroline; Vogler, Sabine (2023): Glossary of single-use devices and reprocessing terms: Working definitions of terms for the “Study on the implementation of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices on the EU market”. Factsheet. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Windisch, Friederike; Zimmermann, Nina; Knoll, Verena; Habimana, Katharina; Vogler, Sabine (2023): Glossary of medical devices availability terms: Working definitions of terms for the “Study supporting the monitoring of availability of medical devices on the EU market”. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.


Zimmermann, Nina (2023): Evaluation of the external price referencing policy for the National Essential Medicines List in Ukraine. Policy Dialogue "Evolution of the Medicines Pricing System and its impact on the healthcare System of Ukraine", 18. Mai 2023, online.

Zimmermann, Nina (2023): Evaluation of the external price referencing policy for the National Essential Medicines List in Ukraine. Round Table: Evolution of the system of state price regulation for medicines in Ukraine, 28. November 2023, online.

Zimmermann, Nina (2023): Introduction to the PPRI Subgroup on Medical Devices. WHO MDA Training Workshop on Medical Device Procurement, 11. Juli 2023, online.

Zimmermann, Nina (2023): Status quo, Aktuelles und Trends in der Arzneimittelpreisbildung. IMH Online Seminar Reihe, Pharma Wissen Market Access & Erstattung, 22. August 2023, online.

Zimmermann, Nina; Knoll, Verena; Windisch, Friederike (2024): Status Quo der Studie zur Unterstützung der Überwachung der Verfügbarkeit von Medizinprodukten auf dem EU-Markt: Stakeholder-Befragungen und Dashboard. LSA - Lübeck Summer Academy 2024, 2. Juli 2024, online.

Zimmermann, Nina; Schneider, Peter; Paknutova, Svitlana; Piniazhko, Oresta (2024): Evaluation of the external price referencing (EPR) policy for the National Essential Medicines List in Ukraine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Abstracts from the 5th PPRI conference 2024: ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, Vienna, Austria, 25–26 April 2024, 17 (1).

Zimmermann, Nina; Schneider, Peter; Paknutova, Svitlana; Piniazhko, Oresta (2024): Evaluation of the external price referencing (EPR) policy for the National Essential Medicines List in Ukraine. Poster. 5th PPRI conference 2024: Ensuring access to affordable medicines through innovative policies, 26.-26. April 2024, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina (2021): Challenges in drug pricing of advanced therapy. Rebrats and RedETSA meeting 2021, 30. November 2021, Online.

Zimmermann, Nina (2018): Evidence-based policy making in the field of pharmaceuticals - or how to better design a pharmaceutical policy? EbM Kongress, 9. März 2018, Graz.

Zimmermann, Nina (2018): Experiencia de la Red Europea para la Información sobre Regulación de Precios y Reembolso Medicamentos. Il Encuentro de Acceso, Monitoreo y Regulaciòn Econòmica del Mercado de Medicamentos, 6. November 2018, Webinar.

Zimmermann, Nina (2018): Hochpreisige Medikamente – was tut sich auf europäischer und internationaler Ebene? pharmaKON: Erstattung & Market Access, 28. November 2018, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina (2019): Hochpreisige Medikamente – was tut sich auf europäischer und internationaler Ebene? imh PharmaKON 2019: Erstattung, 27. November 2019, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina (2018): Interne Darstellung der pharmazeutischen Leistungen. Rolle der klinischen Pharmazie im österreichischen Gesundheitssystem. Gerinnung Interaktiv - Für Krankenhausapotheker/innen, 10. März 2018, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina (2022): Mapping der verschiedenen Themen rund um Transparenz. Pharma-Plattform, 29. November 2022, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina (2018): Transparency and pricing agreements. Network of Competent Authority of Pricing and Reimbursement (NCAPR) meeting, 26. September 2018, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina (2019): The role of evidence in pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement decisions in hospitals – in Austria and Europe. Hope Programme for Hospital and Healthcare Professionals, 7. Mai 2019, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina; Haasis, Alexander; Balbino, Espin; Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din; Vogler, Sabine; Busse, Reinhard; Mantel-Teeuwisse, Aukje; Suleman, Fatima (2019): Can pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies make a difference in promoting equitable access to affordable medicines? Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. ISSN 2052-3211

Zimmermann, Nina; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2021): PPRI Pharma Brief: Cyprus 2021. Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) Pharma Briefs Series. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina; Habimana, Katharina (2017): Arzneimittelausgaben in Österreich. Gesundheit Österreich, Vienna.

Zimmermann, Nina; Rainer, Lukas (2018): Short PPRI Pharma Profile. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina; Vogler, Sabine (2012): PPRI / PHIS Pharma Profile. Austria 2012. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH / Geschäftsbereich ÖBIG, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina; Vogler, Sabine; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2022): HPR117 Meta-Indicators for Analysing Pharmaceutical Systems: The PPRI Indicators. Value in Health, 25 (12). p. 253.

Zimmermann, Nina; Vogler, Sabine; Haasis, Manuel Alexander (2022): Meta-Indicators for Analysing Pharmaceutical Systems: The PPRI Indicators. Posterpräsentation. ISPOR 2022, 9. November 2022, Wien.

Zimmermann, Nina; Zuba, Martin (2018): Arzneimittelausgaben pro Kopf im internationalen Vergleich. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Zuidberg, Christel; Vogler, Sabine; Mantel, A (2010): The pharmaceutical system of the Netherlands. A comparative analysis between the Dutch out-patient pharmaceutical system, in particular the pricing and reimbursement characteristics, and those of the other European Union Member States, with a special focus on tendering-like systems. Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Wien.

This list was generated on Sun Mar 16 13:55:47 2025 CET.