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Aldridge, Sarah; González-Galindo, Javier; Estupiñán-Romero, Francisco; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz (2022): PHIRI - WP6 - Use Case A scripts for local analyses (R Markdown). Population Health Information Research Infrastructure (PHIRI).
Angerer, Konstantin; Bathka, Arne; Bretschneider, Philipp; Deggelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Habl, Claudia; Kern, Reinhard; Maier, Gunter; Popper, Niki; Richter, Lukas; Scharinger, Robert; Stamm, Tanja; Thurner, Stefan (2022): Daten und Dateninfrastruktur. In: Variantenmanagementplan. Konsolidierte Fassung der Ergebnisse des Expert:innenworkshops, Überarbeitungen der GÖG sowie Anmerkungen GECKO, Bundesländer und weiterer Systempartner:innen. Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Wien, pp. 106-113.
Antony, Katharina (2021): Wirksamkeit von Anti‐Stigma‐Maßnahmen im Bereich psychischer Erkrankungen bei der Zielgruppe Kinder und Jugendliche – Kurzrecherche. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Antony, Katharina; Fröschl, Barbara; Gaiswinkler, Sylvia; Ivansits, Sarah; Juraszovich, Brigitte; Laschkolnig, Anja; Röhrling, Isabella; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid (2019): Public expenditure on health promotion and prevention in Austria. Posterpresentation. 12. European Public Health Conference 2019, 20. bis 23. November 2019, Marseille.
Antony, Katharina; Fröschl, Barbara; Habl, Claudia; Nagel, Anna; Antony, Daniela; Weißenhofer, Sabine (2022): Qualitätsarbeit im niedergelassenen Bereich – Bestandserhebung und Entwicklungsbedarfe. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Antony, Katharina; Mikulcik, Irene; Nagel, Anna; Seebacher, Wolfgang (2023): Untersuchungen zur Evaluation von Lehr(‐gruppen‐)praxen. Ergebnisbericht. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Antony, Katharina; Piso, Brigitte (2019): Evaluation of Austrias first PHC: What lessons can be learned? Posterpresentation. 12. European Public Health Conference 2019, 20. bis 23. November 2019, Marseille.
Boegart, Petronille; Dimnjakovic, Jelena; Habl, Claudia; Ivankovic, Damir; Röhrling, Isabella; van Oyen, Herman (2019): Introducing the new for a Health Information Infrastructure. Video on the Joint Action on Health Information. InfAct. Joint Action on Health Information.
Copano Casanova, Leticia; di Stasis, Marilena; Nociletti, Giovanni; Telea, Florina; Habl, Claudia; Wismar, Matthias (2023): EU4Health Programme and the role of national focal points for 2023 and beyond. Population Medicine, 5. A1830.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz; Maier, Gunter; Weishäupl, Kristina (2024): Datenflüsse im österreichischen Gesundheitswesen. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz; Trunner, Kathrin (2023): Public Health Data Science – Von Daten und Solidarität zu Datensolidarität. Das Gesundheitswesen, 85 (S04). p. 257. ISSN 0941-3790
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): DiGA: Österreich und das internationale Umfeld aus Public Health-Sicht. LISAvienna Regulatory Konferenz, 13. Oktober 2022, Wien.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2023): Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA). Umsetzungsszenarien. Austrian Health Forum 2023, 12. Mai 2023, Schladming.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2023): Digitales Steuern: Gesundheitspolitik zwischen Public Digital Health und Digital Public Health. In: Gesundheit für alle: Reflexionen und Zukunftstrends. Verlag Österreich, Wien, 173-181,
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): Elemente einer Gesundheitsdatenstrategie für Österreich - die Public Health-Sicht. 9. Health Care Symposium - Prepare Austria for a national data strategy, 1. Juni 2022, online.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2021): Gesundheitsdaten in Österreich – ein Überblick. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): Implementation of Digital Applications and Tools in the Austrian Health System. Salzburg Digital Health and Prevention Days 2022, 28. November 2022, online.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2023): Künstliche Intelligenz in der intramuralen Versorgung - ein Überblick. dHealth 2023, 16. Mai 2023, Wien.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): Telemedizin: zwischen Piloten und Versorgungsalltag. Überlegungen aus Public Health-Sicht. 2. Online-Kongress der Telemed Austria e.V., 23. Juni 2022, online.
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Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): The societal impact of biomedical research. CeMM PhD Programme, 19. Oktober 2022, Wien.
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Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Gruböck, Anna; Fidon, Isabella Katharina (2022): Gesundheitsdaten in Österreich – ein Überblick. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Laschkolnig, Anja; Trunner, Kathrin (2021): Regulatorische Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten rund um das Thema App-Reimbursement. dHealth Pulse, 16. Juni 2021.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Panteli, Dimitra (2021): mHealth reimbursement frameworks - a comparative overview. European mHealth Hub - Hub Talks 2021, 28. Jänner 2021, online.
Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Trunner, Kathrin (2020): Medication Apps – A Systematic Search and Classification. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 271. pp. 207-214. ISSN 1879-8365
Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz (2023): The Future of Secondary Use - Promises and Pitfalls of Health Data Unleashed. dHealth 2023, 17. Mai 2023, Wien.
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Fischer, Katja; Gehart, Norbert; Krawinkler, Gerald; Kollaritsch, Herwig; Nagel, Anna; Paulke-Korinek, Maria; Röbl, Klara; Ruggier, Lena; Schneider, Peter; Szell, Marton; Zwiauer, Karl (2022): Impfstoffe und Impfung. In: Variantenmanagementplan Konsolidierte Fassung der Ergebnisse des Expert:innenworkshops, Überarbeitungen der GÖG sowie Anmerkungen GECKO, Bundesländer und weiterer Systempartner:innen. Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Wien, pp. 27-39.
Fiske, Amelia; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Marsteurer, Brigitte; Prainsack, Barbara (2022): Value‑creation in the health data domain: a typology of what health data help us do. BioSocieties.
Fröschl, Barbara (2024): Screenings in Europa - Erfolgsmodelle und Best Practices. 17. Symposiums Integrierte Versorgung des CCIV, 24. Oktober 2024, Wien.
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Fröschl, Barbara; Habl, Claudia; Habimana, Katharina; Stradner, Anja; Bär, Bernhard; Nagel, Anna (2023): Interdisziplinäre und multiprofessionelle Versorgung bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2. Arbeiterkammer Wien, Wien.
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Gruber, Beate (2023): WS Supporting present policy making to address future challenges: foresight and public health policies. 16th European Public Health Conference 2023, 9. November 2023, Dublin.
Habl, Claudia (2023): Building collective intelligence: Rapid Exchange Forum. PHIRI 3 Year Anniversary Conference: From Data to Public Health Actions, 22. September 2023, Brüssel.
Habl, Claudia (2023): PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum (REF): A key tool for cross-country exchange in times of crisis and beyond. 17th World Congress on Public Health, 3. Mai 2023, Rom.
Habl, Claudia (2023): PHIRI data exchange – 2 Years of Rapid Exchange Forum (REF). Spring School on Health Information: COVID-19 Health Information Innovations for the Future, 2. März 2023, Portugal.
Habl, Claudia (2023): WS Supporting present policy making to address future challenges: foresight and health policies. Intro. 16th European Public Health Conference 2023, 9. November 2023, Dublin.
Habl, Claudia (2023): WS ‘Long Covid: A Myth or a reality?’ Insights from the PHIRI Network: How different Countries deal with Long-COVID related issues and developments. 16th European Public Health Conference 2023, 9. November 2023, Dublin.
Habl, Claudia (2023): Wo stehen wir und welche Initiativen können zu einer gelungenen Standortpolitik beitragen? WIEN 2030 - Pioneer Lab Gesundheitsmetropole Wien, 1. März 2023, Wien.
Habl, Claudia; Saso, Miriam; Schutte, Nienke; Weiss, Johannes (2024): Sustainability Plan. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes (2024): Fast lane for decision making: The PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum. Poster. 17th European Public Health Conference - Sailing the waves of European public health: exploring a sea of innovation, 11. - 15. November 2024, Lissabon.
Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes (2023): Fast lane for decision making: The Rapid Exchange Forum. Sustainability. Factsheet. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes; Gottlob, Anita; Saso, Miriam; Schutte, Nienke; Bogaert, Petronille; Paulo, Marília Silva; Lapão, Luís Velez (2024): How to help countries improve resilience during a pandemic: an example of a Rapid Exchange Forum. European Journal of Public Health, 34 (1). i81-i86. ISSN 1101-1262
Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes; Habimana, Katharina; TugceSchmitt, Edgar Hans Cano; PiñónHermida, Elisa (2023): eCAN - Strengthening ehealth for cancer patients. 17th European Public Health Conference, 10. November 2023, Dublin.
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Habl, Claudia (2020): Data and Public Health Research – A story of legal challenges. Virtual Workshops on common Governance Principles for the Re-use of Health Data, 24. Juni 2020, Webinar.
Habl, Claudia (2023): EU: Auf dem Weg zu einer starken Gesundheitsunion? In: Gesundheit für alle: Reflexionen und Zukunftstrends. Verlag Österreich, Wien, 321-327,
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Habl, Claudia (2019): Experiences with the Technical Guidance Document on External Reference Pricing of Medicinal Products. 6. Euripid Partnertreffen, 24. September 2019, Budapest.
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Habl, Claudia (2019): New ways to share health information and data cross-country. Hope Exchange Programme for Hospital and Healthcare Professionals, 7. Mai 2019, Wien.
Habl, Claudia (2022): Player und Strukturen im Gesundheitswesen. Zertifikatskurs Gesundheitsjournalismus, 6. September 2022, Wien.
Habl, Claudia (2022): Purchasing Power Parities for Medicinal Products. A report from work for Eurostat. 10th Meeting of the Board of Participants, 9. Juni 2022, Oslo.
Habl, Claudia (2020): Study on the Calculation of Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) for pharmaceutical products. Eurostat Working Group on Purchasing Power Parities, 18. November 2020, Online.
Habl, Claudia (2020): Use of the Guidance Document on European Reference Pricing for Medicines and State-of-Play Report. 3rd Euripid Stakeholder Dialogue Platform on the Pricing of Medicinal Products, 21. September 2020, Online-Meeting.
Habl, Claudia; Fahy, Nick (2019): Paying for value and innovation (WG 2). Innovations in Health and Social Care – Enhancing Health and Well-being in Europe an official side event under the auspices of the Finnish Presidency of the European Union, 3. Dezember 2019, Brüssel.
Habl, Claudia; Fischer, Stefan (2021): How the Euripid collaboration contributes to price transparency of pharmaceuticals. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (3). ckab164.576.
Habl, Claudia; Fischer, Stefan (2021): How the Euripid collaboration contributes to price transparency of pharmaceuticals. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (Suppl.). ISSN 1101-1262
Habl, Claudia; Hummer, Michael; Maier, Gunter (2021): Data is the new oil. How Covid-19 boosted information transparency in Austria. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (3).
Habl, Claudia; Leuprecht, Eva; Stradner, Anja; Trunner, Kathrin (2022): Project Evaluation and Monitoring. X-eHealth Project Evaluation and Monitoring. 15th European Public Health Conference 2022, 10. November 2022, Berlin.
Habl, Claudia; Maier, Gunter (2021): Integrating data from different Data Sources for Surveillance of NCD in Austria. Innovation in NCD policy and action: a course for WHO Representatives and Heads of Office, 13. Mai 2021, Online.
Habl, Claudia; Mikulcik, Irene; Pries, Cara; Stradner, Anja (2022): Report on the state-of-play of interactions between EU4Health National Focal Points and National Focal Points/National Contact Points of other health-related EU-funds and -programmes. NFP4Health Konsortium, Brüssel.
Habl, Claudia; Nagel, Anna (2022): EU wide added value of EURIPID. 10th EURIPID Board of Participants Meeting, 9. Juni 2022, Oslo.
Habl, Claudia; Németh, Gergely; Schneider, Peter (2019): How the Euripid Collaboration contributes to the affordability of medicines in Europe. Posterpräsentation. 12. European Public Health Conference 2019, 20. bis 23. November 2019, Marseille.
Habl, Claudia; Pries, Cara (2022): PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum (REF): A key tool for cross-country exchange in times of crisis. European Journal of Public Health, 32 (3). ckac129.646. ISSN 1101-1262
Habl, Claudia; Röhrling, Isabella (2021): The PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (3). ckab164.404. ISSN 1101-1262
Habl, Claudia; Schnabel, Eva; Vogler, Sabine; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Takacs, Adam (2004): Öffentliche Ausgaben für Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung in Österreich 2001. Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen, Wien.
Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes (2023): Cross-country knowledge-sharing tools: The example of the PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum. Poster. 16 th European Public Health Conference 2023, 8. bis 11. November 2023, Dublin.
Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes (2022): Rapid Exchange Forum & COVID Policy Measures. The Health Information Portal - 1 Year Anniversary, 29. April 2022, online.
Habl, Claudia; Zuba, Martin (2021): Calculation of Purchasing Power Parities for Medicinal Products via EURIPID database. Treffen der Eurostat Kaufkraftparitäten Arbeitsgruppe, 18. November 2021, Online.
Habl, Claudia; Zuba, Martin (2022): Calculation of Purchasing Power Parities for Pharmaceutical Products via EURIPID database. European Journal of Public Health, 32 (3). ckac129.343. ISSN 1101-1262
Hansen, Johan; Wilson, Petra; Verhoeven, Eline; Kroneman, Madelon; Kirwan, Mary; Verheij, Robert; van Veen, Evert-Ben (2021): Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
Heindl, Bettina; Habl, Claudia (2022): EURIPID Data Validation Report 2021. 10th Meeting of the Board of Participants., 10. Juni 2022, Oslo.
Hilderink, Henk; Tijhuis, Mariken; Moye-Holz, Daniela; Saso, Miriam; Delnord, Marie; Peyroteo dos Santos, Mariana; Gómez, Inmaculada León; Reneflot, Anne; Gyimesi, Michael (2021): The compact guide to public health foresight. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands.
Horvath, Ilonka (2022): Models of good practice for communitybased testing, linkage to care and adherence to treatment for hepatitis B and C, HIV, and tuberculosis and for health promotion interventions to prevent infections among people who inject drugs. ECDC, Stockholm.
Horváth, Ilonka; Mardh, Otilia; Schwarz, Tanja (2024): Models of good practice to enhance infectious diseases care cascade among people who inject drugs: A qualitative study of interventions implemented in European settings. Webinar Introduction to the 2023 ECDC-EMCDDA guidance on preventing and controlling infectious diseases among people who inject drugs, 13. März 2024, online.
Horváth, Ilonka (2022): Enhancing the HCV care cascade among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and considerations from an expert panel. Lisbon Addictions 2022, 23. November 2022, Lissabon.
Horváth, Ilonka; Fenz, Lydia; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Schwarz, Tanja (2022): Summary of Expert Panel meeting discussions on interventions to increase linkage to care and adherence to treatment for hepatitis B and C, HIV and tuberculosis among people who inject drugs. ECDC, Stockholm.
Janjic, Melani; Kernbauer-Hölzl, Elisabeth; Antony, Katharina (2024): Zervixkarzinom-Screening in der EU. Screening-Strategien und Lernerfahrungen. 27. Jahrestagung der ÖGPH, 17. Oktober 2024, Innsbruck.
Klimek, Peter; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Ostermann, Herwig; Pleiner-Duxneuner, Johannes (2022): Quality Criteria for Real-world Data in Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care Decision-making: Austrian Expert Consensus. JMIR Medical Informatics, 10 (6). e34204.
Kuhrn, Melanie Marie; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Laschkolnig, Anja (2024): The meta-governance of quality registries for public health. European Journal of Public Health. Abstract Supplement, 34 (3). ckae144.2186. ISSN 1101-1262
Kuhrn, Melanie Marie; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Laschkolnig, Anja (2024): The meta-governance of quality registries for public health. Poster. European Public Health Conference, 13. - 15. November 2024, Lissabon.
Lapão, Luís Velez; Peyroteo, Mariana; Dimnjaković, Jelena; Gyimesi, Michael (2021): D9.1: Overview of foresight related activities. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Laschkolnig, Anja; Kuhrn, Melanie Marie (2024): Milestone in der Digital Health Welt Österreichs: Die neue eHealth-Strategie. ÖGPH Newsletter (4). pp. 41-42. ISSN 2309-2246
Laschkolnig, Anja (2021): Telemedizin in Österreich. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Maier, Gunter; Habl, Claudia (2022): Daten (in) der Pandemie - Datenplattform COVID-19, Lessons Learned. European Public Health Week, 17. Mai 2022, Webinar.
Mardh, Otilia; Horvath, Ilonka; Schwarz, Tanja; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid (2021): New evidence on testing and linkage to care for PWIDs. HepHIV Conference, 7. Mai 2021, Lisbon & Virtual.
Marelli, Luca; Stevens, Marthe; Sharon, Tamar; Van Hoyweghen, Ine; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; El-Sayed, Seliem; Hoeyer, Klaus; van Kessel, Robin; Krekora Zajac, Dorota; Matei, Mihaela; Roda, Sara; Prainsack, Barbara; Schlünder, Irene; Shabani, Masha; Southerington, Tom (2023): The European health data space: Too big to succeed? Health Policy, 135. ISSN 0168-8510
Meurisse, Marjan; Estupiñán-Romero, Francisco; González-Galindo, Javier; Martínez-Lizaga, Natalia; Royo-Sierra, Santiago; Saldner, Simon; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz; Degelsegger-Marquez, Alexander; Soiland-Reye, Stian; Van Goethem, Nina; Bernal-Delgado, Enrique (2023): Federated causal inference based on real-world observational data sources: application to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness assessment. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23 (1). p. 248.
Neves, Aitana; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz; Maier, Wolfgang; Pergl, Robert; Akerström, Wolmar Nyberg; Hjerde, Erik; Cuesta, Isabel; Popleteeva, Marina; Oulas, Anastasia; Mohamed, Anliat; Tonazzolli, Arianna; Pilvar, Diana; Calhoun, Erin; Åberg, Espen; Erard, Frédéric; Rasche, Helena; Messak, Imane; van Helden, Jacques; Lara, Maria; Rahman, Nadim; Karathanasis, Nestoras; Willassen, Nils-Peder; Zmora, Pawel; Monzón, Sara; Hiltemann, Saskia; Singhroha, Sunny; Klemetsen, Terje; Denecker, Thomas; Waheed, Zahra (2023): ELIXIR-CONVERGE D9.2 Document where code from the various regional/national data hubs is available; training documentation on data submission by the platforms - relates to tasks 9.1-9.2. Zenodo.
PHIRI, Sciensano (Belgium), EUPHA-PHMR; Bogaert, Petronille (EUPHA-PHMR); Tsolova, Svetla (Sweden) (2022): 7.M. Round table: Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020projects in the PREPAREcluster. European Journal of Public Health, 32 (3). ckac129.449. ISSN 1101-1262
Paulo, Marília Silva; Peyroteo, Mariana; Maia, Mélanie R.; Pries, Cara; Habl, Claudia; Lapão, Luís Velez (2023): Impacts of public health and social measures on COVID-19 in Europe: a review and modified Delphi technique. Front. Public Health, 11. p. 1226922.
Piso, Brigitte; Buhmann, Vera (2019): Atlases of variation for elective surgery to tackle wasteful care. Posterpresentation. 12. European Public Health Conference 2019, 20. bis 23. November 2019, Marseille.
Pries, Cara; Mikulcik, Irene; Buonocore, Caterina; Kammler, Lydia; Mohedano Macias, Laura (2024): Health funding in EU4Health and Horizon Europe: A fact sheet by HNN3.0 and NFP4Health. NFP4Health, online.
Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Antony, Daniela; Fischer, Stefan; Füszl, Astrid; Mathis-Edenhofer, Stefan; Posekany, Alexandra; Stürzlinger, Heidi; Brunner-Ziegler, Sophie (2020): Olmesartan Mono-und Kombinationstherapien bei Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie - HTA-Report. Bundesamt für Gesundheit. Sektion Health Technology Assessment, Bern.
Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Schwarz, Tanja; Horváth, Ilonka; Fenz, Lydia (2022): A systematic literature review of interventions to increase linkage to care and adherence to treatment for hepatitis B and C, HIV and tuberculosis among people who inject drugs. ECDC, Stockholm.
Russo, Pierluigi; Carletto, Angelica; Németh, Gergely; Habl, Claudia (2021): Medicine price transparency and confidential managed-entry agreements in Europe: findings from the EURIPID survey. Health Policy, 125 (9). pp. 1140-1145.
Röhrling, Isabella; Fenz, Lydia; Habl, Claudia; Pentz, Richard; Wiśniewski, Tomasz; Węgrzyn, Karonlina; Habl, Claudia (2021): Needs Assessment. 1st Needs assessment results [D8.1/D28]. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Röhrling, Isabella; Habl, Claudia; Fenz, Lydia (2021): D8.3: FAQ-List: Archive of rapid responses from research topolicy [D30]. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Röhrling, Isabella; Habl, Claudia; Fenz, Lydia (2021): Template for structured exchange of information and notifying of activities on portal [D8.2/D29]. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Röhrling, Isabella; Habl, Claudia; Ostermann, Herwig (2020): The Avisors' Dilemma: Informed Decision Making in Times of Limited Evidence? Eurohealth, 26 (3). pp. 10-13. ISSN 1356–1030
Schmidt, Andrea; Lyons, Ronan J.; Akbari, Ashley; Bernal Delgado, Enrique; Mathis-Edenhofer, Stefan; Estupiñán-Romero, Francisco; Habl, Claudia; Thißen, Mmartin; Gissler, Mika (2021): Indirect health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from European countries. 14th European Public Health (EPH) Conference 2021, 11. November 2021, Virtual Event.
Schwarz, Tanja; Horvath, Ilonka; Mardh, Otilia (2022): The evidence base: Improving the cascade of care for HCV among PWID. 10th International Conference on Health and Hepatitis Care in Substance Users (INHSU), 20 October 2022, Glasgow (UK).
Stradner, Anja (2022): The role of socioeconomic status and populist attitudes in the spread of Covid-19 in Austria. A spatial analysis of municipality-level data. 15th European Public Health Conference, 12. November 2022, Berlin.
Stradner, Anja; Trunner, Kathrin; Leuprecht, Eva; Pinto, Cátia; Franconi, Sofia; Melgara, Marcello; Boumpaki, Asimina; Soares, Flavio; Liapi, Georgia (2022): The development of new Electronic Health Record Exchange Format Use Cases - an evaluating perspective. 15th European Public Health Conference 2022, 11. November 2022, Berlin.
Thißen, M; Bernal-Delgado, E; Rodriguez, R; Estupiñán-Romero, F; Forjaz, J; Gonzalez-García, J; Lyons, R; Schmidt, A; Seeling, S; Zeitlin, J (2021): Research use cases measuring the impact of COVID-19 on population health. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (3). ckab164.176. ISSN 1101-1262
Tille, Florian; Panteli, Dimitra; Fahy, Nick; Waitzberg, Ruth; Davidovitch, Nadav; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2021): Governing the Public-Private-Partnerships of the Future: Learnings from the Experiences in Pandemic Times. Eurohealth, 27 (1). pp. 49-53. ISSN 1356–1030
Tolonen, Hanna; Lapão, Luís Velez; Bogaert, Petronille; Habl, Claudia; Calleja, Neville (2023): PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum (REF): a key tool for cross-country exchange in times of crisis and beyond. Population Medicine, 5 (A1615).
Trunner, Kathrin; Kuhrn, Melanie Maria; Weishäupl, Kristina; Fousek, Stephan (2024): Laienverständlicher Entlassungsbrief. Machbarkeitsstudie. Ergebnisbericht. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.
Trunner, Kathrin; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2023): Digital Health / eHealth / mHealth in Österreich. CCC-TRIO 2023 Symposium - Pflegefachtag, 27. April 2023, Wien.
Trunner, Kathrin; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2021): Digital health and the opportunities arising from the COVID-19 experience- Spotlight on Austria. Observatory Venice Summer School 2021 - Digital health: towards a post-pandemic future, 28. Juli 2021, Online.
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Wiessing, Lucas; Kalamara, Eleni; Stone, Jack; Altan, Peyman; Van Baelen, Luk; Fotiou, Anastasios; Garcia, D'Jamila; Goulao, Joao; Guaria, Bruno; Hope, Vivian; Jauffret-Roustide, Marie; Jurgelaitiene, Lina; Kaberg, Martin; Kamarulzaman, Adeeba; Lemsalu, Liis; Kivite-Urtane, Anda; Kolaric, Branko; Montanari, Linda; Rosinska, Magdalena; Sava, Lavinius; Horváth, Ilonka; Seyler, Thomas; Sypsa, Vana; Tarjan, Anna; Yiasemi, Ioanna; Zimmermann, Ruth; Ferri, Marica; Dolan, Kate; Uusküla, Anneli; Vickerman, Peter (2021): Univariable associations between a history of incarceration and HIV and HCV prevalence among people who inject drugs across 17 countries in Europe 2006 to 2020 – is the precautionary principle applicable? Eurosurveillance, 26 (49).