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  • GOEG (123)
    • Internationales, Policy, Evaluation und Digitalisierung (123)
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Number of items at this level: 123.


Aigner, Ernest; Lampl, Christina; Schmidt, Andrea E.; Haas, Willi (2023): Integrating climate, health,and equityfor a climate-resilient Europe. Foresight informed policy factsheet. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10559396.

Antony, Katharina (2021): Wirksamkeit von Anti‐Stigma‐Maßnahmen im Bereich psychischer Erkrankungen bei der Zielgruppe Kinder und Jugendliche – Kurzrecherche. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Antony, Katharina; Fröschl, Barbara; Habl, Claudia; Nagel, Anna; Antony, Daniela; Weißenhofer, Sabine (2022): Qualitätsarbeit im niedergelassenen Bereich – Bestandserhebung und Entwicklungsbedarfe. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Antony, Katharina; Mikulcik, Irene; Nagel, Anna; Seebacher, Wolfgang (2023): Untersuchungen zur Evaluation von Lehr(‐gruppen‐)praxen. Ergebnisbericht. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Boegart, Petronille; Dimnjakovic, Jelena; Habl, Claudia; Ivankovic, Damir; Röhrling, Isabella; van Oyen, Herman (2019): Introducing the new for a Health Information Infrastructure. Video on the Joint Action on Health Information. InfAct. Joint Action on Health Information.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2021): Gesundheitsdaten in Österreich – ein Überblick. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Dick, Daniel; Trunner, Kathrin (2022): Telemedizin und Künstliche Intelligenz im intramuralen Bereich Österreichs. Ergebnisbericht. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Gruböck, Anna; Fidon, Isabella Katharina (2022): Gesundheitsdaten in Österreich – ein Überblick. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Fröschl, Barbara; Habl, Claudia; Habimana, Katharina; Stradner, Anja; Bär, Bernhard; Nagel, Anna (2023): Interdisziplinäre und multiprofessionelle Versorgung bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2. Arbeiterkammer Wien, Wien.

Fröschl, Barbara; Antony, Katharina; Gaiswinkler, Sylvia (2019): Evaluation des Kindermedizinischen Zentrums Augarten. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Fröschl, Barbara; Gaiswinkler, Sylvia (2020): Evaluierung des NAP für seltene Erkrankungen. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Grabenhofer-Eggerth, Alexander; Gruber, Beate; Sagerschnig, Sophie (2023): A pandemic's impact on mental health. Foresight informed policy factsheet. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Habl, Claudia; Saso, Miriam; Schutte, Nienke; Weiss, Johannes (2024): Sustainability Plan. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes (2023): Fast lane for decision making: The Rapid Exchange Forum. Sustainability. Factsheet. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Habl, Claudia; Mikulcik, Irene; Pries, Cara; Stradner, Anja (2022): Report on the state-of-play of interactions between EU4Health National Focal Points and National Focal Points/National Contact Points of other health-related EU-funds and -programmes. NFP4Health Konsortium, Brüssel.

Habl, Claudia; Schnabel, Eva; Vogler, Sabine; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Takacs, Adam (2004): Öffentliche Ausgaben für Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung in Österreich 2001. Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Frauen, Wien.

Hansen, Johan; Wilson, Petra; Verhoeven, Eline; Kroneman, Madelon; Kirwan, Mary; Verheij, Robert; van Veen, Evert-Ben (2021): Assessment of the EU Member States’ rules on health data in the light of GDPR. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Hilderink, Henk; Tijhuis, Mariken; Moye-Holz, Daniela; Saso, Miriam; Delnord, Marie; Peyroteo dos Santos, Mariana; Gómez, Inmaculada León; Reneflot, Anne; Gyimesi, Michael (2021): The compact guide to public health foresight. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands.

Lapão, Luís Velez; Peyroteo, Mariana; Dimnjaković, Jelena; Gyimesi, Michael (2021): D9.1: Overview of foresight related activities. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Laschkolnig, Anja (2021): Telemedizin in Österreich. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Neves, Aitana; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz; Maier, Wolfgang; Pergl, Robert; Akerström, Wolmar Nyberg; Hjerde, Erik; Cuesta, Isabel; Popleteeva, Marina; Oulas, Anastasia; Mohamed, Anliat; Tonazzolli, Arianna; Pilvar, Diana; Calhoun, Erin; Åberg, Espen; Erard, Frédéric; Rasche, Helena; Messak, Imane; van Helden, Jacques; Lara, Maria; Rahman, Nadim; Karathanasis, Nestoras; Willassen, Nils-Peder; Zmora, Pawel; Monzón, Sara; Hiltemann, Saskia; Singhroha, Sunny; Klemetsen, Terje; Denecker, Thomas; Waheed, Zahra (2023): ELIXIR-CONVERGE D9.2 Document where code from the various regional/national data hubs is available; training documentation on data submission by the platforms - relates to tasks 9.1-9.2. Zenodo.

Pries, Cara; Mikulcik, Irene; Buonocore, Caterina; Kammler, Lydia; Mohedano Macias, Laura (2024): Health funding in EU4Health and Horizon Europe: A fact sheet by HNN3.0 and NFP4Health. NFP4Health, online.

Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Antony, Daniela; Fischer, Stefan; Füszl, Astrid; Mathis-Edenhofer, Stefan; Posekany, Alexandra; Stürzlinger, Heidi; Brunner-Ziegler, Sophie (2020): Olmesartan Mono-und Kombinationstherapien bei Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie - HTA-Report. Bundesamt für Gesundheit. Sektion Health Technology Assessment, Bern.

Röhrling, Isabella; Fenz, Lydia; Habl, Claudia; Pentz, Richard; Wiśniewski, Tomasz; Węgrzyn, Karonlina; Habl, Claudia (2021): Needs Assessment. 1st Needs assessment results [D8.1/D28]. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Röhrling, Isabella; Habl, Claudia; Fenz, Lydia (2021): D8.3: FAQ-List: Archive of rapid responses from research topolicy [D30]. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Röhrling, Isabella; Habl, Claudia; Fenz, Lydia (2021): Template for structured exchange of information and notifying of activities on portal [D8.2/D29]. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Trunner, Kathrin; Kuhrn, Melanie Maria; Weishäupl, Kristina; Fousek, Stephan (2024): Laienverständlicher Entlassungsbrief. Machbarkeitsstudie. Ergebnisbericht. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Trunner, Kathrin; Habl, Claudia; Leuprecht, Eva; Stradner, Anja (2021): X-eHealth project glossary. SPMS - Shared Services of Ministry of Health, Portugal.

Weiss, Johannes; Habl, Claudia; Gottlob, Anita (2023): Needs assessment summary. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Conference or Workshop Item

Antony, Katharina; Fröschl, Barbara; Gaiswinkler, Sylvia; Ivansits, Sarah; Juraszovich, Brigitte; Laschkolnig, Anja; Röhrling, Isabella; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid (2019): Public expenditure on health promotion and prevention in Austria. Posterpresentation. 12. European Public Health Conference 2019, 20. bis 23. November 2019, Marseille.

Antony, Katharina; Piso, Brigitte (2019): Evaluation of Austrias first PHC: What lessons can be learned? Posterpresentation. 12. European Public Health Conference 2019, 20. bis 23. November 2019, Marseille.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): DiGA: Österreich und das internationale Umfeld aus Public Health-Sicht. LISAvienna Regulatory Konferenz, 13. Oktober 2022, Wien.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2023): Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA). Umsetzungsszenarien. Austrian Health Forum 2023, 12. Mai 2023, Schladming.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): Elemente einer Gesundheitsdatenstrategie für Österreich - die Public Health-Sicht. 9. Health Care Symposium - Prepare Austria for a national data strategy, 1. Juni 2022, online.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): Implementation of Digital Applications and Tools in the Austrian Health System. Salzburg Digital Health and Prevention Days 2022, 28. November 2022, online.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2023): Künstliche Intelligenz in der intramuralen Versorgung - ein Überblick. dHealth 2023, 16. Mai 2023, Wien.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): Telemedizin: zwischen Piloten und Versorgungsalltag. Überlegungen aus Public Health-Sicht. 2. Online-Kongress der Telemed Austria e.V., 23. Juni 2022, online.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2023): The future of European health (data) systems. PHIRI Spring School on Health Information 2023, 30. März 2023, online.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2022): The societal impact of biomedical research. CeMM PhD Programme, 19. Oktober 2022, Wien.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Laschkolnig, Anja; Trunner, Kathrin (2021): Regulatorische Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten rund um das Thema App-Reimbursement. dHealth Pulse, 16. Juni 2021.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Panteli, Dimitra (2021): mHealth reimbursement frameworks - a comparative overview. European mHealth Hub - Hub Talks 2021, 28. Jänner 2021, online.

Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz (2023): The Future of Secondary Use - Promises and Pitfalls of Health Data Unleashed. dHealth 2023, 17. Mai 2023, Wien.

Fröschl, Barbara; Habl, Claudia (2023): Bericht der GÖG-EU Onkologie-Arbeiten. Treffen der Mission Action Group Cancer, 24. November 2023, online.

Fröschl, Barbara (2022): Studie zur interdisziplinären und multiprofessionellen Diabetes-Typ 2 Versorgung. PRAEVENIRE Gipfelgespräche, 20. August 2022, Alpbach.

Gruber, Beate (2023): WS Supporting present policy making to address future challenges: foresight and public health policies. 16th European Public Health Conference 2023, 9. November 2023, Dublin.

Habl, Claudia (2023): Building collective intelligence: Rapid Exchange Forum. PHIRI 3 Year Anniversary Conference: From Data to Public Health Actions, 22. September 2023, Brüssel.

Habl, Claudia (2023): PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum (REF): A key tool for cross-country exchange in times of crisis and beyond. 17th World Congress on Public Health, 3. Mai 2023, Rom.

Habl, Claudia (2023): PHIRI data exchange – 2 Years of Rapid Exchange Forum (REF). Spring School on Health Information: COVID-19 Health Information Innovations for the Future, 2. März 2023, Portugal.

Habl, Claudia (2023): WS Supporting present policy making to address future challenges: foresight and health policies. Intro. 16th European Public Health Conference 2023, 9. November 2023, Dublin.

Habl, Claudia (2023): WS ‘Long Covid: A Myth or a reality?’ Insights from the PHIRI Network: How different Countries deal with Long-COVID related issues and developments. 16th European Public Health Conference 2023, 9. November 2023, Dublin.

Habl, Claudia (2023): Wo stehen wir und welche Initiativen können zu einer gelungenen Standortpolitik beitragen? WIEN 2030 - Pioneer Lab Gesundheitsmetropole Wien, 1. März 2023, Wien.

Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes; Habimana, Katharina; TugceSchmitt, Edgar Hans Cano; PiñónHermida, Elisa (2023): eCAN - Strengthening ehealth for cancer patients. 17th European Public Health Conference, 10. November 2023, Dublin.

Habl, Claudia (2019): Collaboration Concept Note. 2nd Meeting of the Stakeholder Dialogue Platform on Pricing of Medicinal Products, 23. September 2019, Budapest.

Habl, Claudia (2022): Crisis management during the pandemic from the perspective of GÖG as a boundary organization. Science for Resilience – Learnings from the Pandemic, 23. Mai 2022, Wien.

Habl, Claudia (2021): Data Governance in Austria. WHO European conference on tackling NCDs through digital solutions 21, 15. Dezember 2021, Moskau, Hybrid Konferenz.

Habl, Claudia (2020): Data and Public Health Research – A story of legal challenges. Virtual Workshops on common Governance Principles for the Re-use of Health Data, 24. Juni 2020, Webinar.

Habl, Claudia (2019): Experiences with the Technical Guidance Document on External Reference Pricing of Medicinal Products. 6. Euripid Partnertreffen, 24. September 2019, Budapest.

Habl, Claudia (2022): The Health Information Portal - 1 Year Anniversary. Rapid Exchange Forum & COVID Policy Measures, 29. April 2022, Online-Event.

Habl, Claudia (2020): Introducing principles for public health and research. eHAction Series on Common Governance Principles for the re-use of health data, 24. Juni 2020, Webinar.

Habl, Claudia (2019): New ways to share health information and data cross-country. Hope Exchange Programme for Hospital and Healthcare Professionals, 7. Mai 2019, Wien.

Habl, Claudia (2022): Player und Strukturen im Gesundheitswesen. Zertifikatskurs Gesundheitsjournalismus, 6. September 2022, Wien.

Habl, Claudia (2022): Purchasing Power Parities for Medicinal Products. A report from work for Eurostat. 10th Meeting of the Board of Participants, 9. Juni 2022, Oslo.

Habl, Claudia (2020): Study on the Calculation of Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) for pharmaceutical products. Eurostat Working Group on Purchasing Power Parities, 18. November 2020, Online.

Habl, Claudia (2020): Use of the Guidance Document on European Reference Pricing for Medicines and State-of-Play Report. 3rd Euripid Stakeholder Dialogue Platform on the Pricing of Medicinal Products, 21. September 2020, Online-Meeting.

Habl, Claudia; Fahy, Nick (2019): Paying for value and innovation (WG 2). Innovations in Health and Social Care – Enhancing Health and Well-being in Europe an official side event under the auspices of the Finnish Presidency of the European Union, 3. Dezember 2019, Brüssel.

Habl, Claudia; Leuprecht, Eva; Stradner, Anja; Trunner, Kathrin (2022): Project Evaluation and Monitoring. X-eHealth Project Evaluation and Monitoring. 15th European Public Health Conference 2022, 10. November 2022, Berlin.

Habl, Claudia; Maier, Gunter (2021): Integrating data from different Data Sources for Surveillance of NCD in Austria. Innovation in NCD policy and action: a course for WHO Representatives and Heads of Office, 13. Mai 2021, Online.

Habl, Claudia; Nagel, Anna (2022): EU wide added value of EURIPID. 10th EURIPID Board of Participants Meeting, 9. Juni 2022, Oslo.

Habl, Claudia; Németh, Gergely; Schneider, Peter (2019): How the Euripid Collaboration contributes to the affordability of medicines in Europe. Posterpräsentation. 12. European Public Health Conference 2019, 20. bis 23. November 2019, Marseille.

Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes (2023): Cross-country knowledge-sharing tools: The example of the PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum. Poster. 16 th European Public Health Conference 2023, 8. bis 11. November 2023, Dublin.

Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes (2022): Rapid Exchange Forum & COVID Policy Measures. The Health Information Portal - 1 Year Anniversary, 29. April 2022, online.

Habl, Claudia; Zuba, Martin (2021): Calculation of Purchasing Power Parities for Medicinal Products via EURIPID database. Treffen der Eurostat Kaufkraftparitäten Arbeitsgruppe, 18. November 2021, Online.

Heindl, Bettina; Habl, Claudia (2022): EURIPID Data Validation Report 2021. 10th Meeting of the Board of Participants., 10. Juni 2022, Oslo.

Horváth, Ilonka (2022): Enhancing the HCV care cascade among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and considerations from an expert panel. Lisbon Addictions 2022, 23. November 2022, Lissabon.

Maier, Gunter; Habl, Claudia (2022): Daten (in) der Pandemie - Datenplattform COVID-19, Lessons Learned. European Public Health Week, 17. Mai 2022, Webinar.

Mardh, Otilia; Horvath, Ilonka; Schwarz, Tanja; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid (2021): New evidence on testing and linkage to care for PWIDs. HepHIV Conference, 7. Mai 2021, Lisbon & Virtual.

Piso, Brigitte; Buhmann, Vera (2019): Atlases of variation for elective surgery to tackle wasteful care. Posterpresentation. 12. European Public Health Conference 2019, 20. bis 23. November 2019, Marseille.

Schmidt, Andrea; Lyons, Ronan J.; Akbari, Ashley; Bernal Delgado, Enrique; Mathis-Edenhofer, Stefan; Estupiñán-Romero, Francisco; Habl, Claudia; Thißen, Mmartin; Gissler, Mika (2021): Indirect health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from European countries. 14th European Public Health (EPH) Conference 2021, 11. November 2021, Virtual Event.

Schwarz, Tanja; Horvath, Ilonka; Mardh, Otilia (2022): The evidence base: Improving the cascade of care for HCV among PWID. 10th International Conference on Health and Hepatitis Care in Substance Users (INHSU), 20 October 2022, Glasgow (UK).

Stradner, Anja (2022): The role of socioeconomic status and populist attitudes in the spread of Covid-19 in Austria. A spatial analysis of municipality-level data. 15th European Public Health Conference, 12. November 2022, Berlin.

Stradner, Anja; Trunner, Kathrin; Leuprecht, Eva; Pinto, Cátia; Franconi, Sofia; Melgara, Marcello; Boumpaki, Asimina; Soares, Flavio; Liapi, Georgia (2022): The development of new Electronic Health Record Exchange Format Use Cases - an evaluating perspective. 15th European Public Health Conference 2022, 11. November 2022, Berlin.

Trunner, Kathrin; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2023): Digital Health / eHealth / mHealth in Österreich. CCC-TRIO 2023 Symposium - Pflegefachtag, 27. April 2023, Wien.

Trunner, Kathrin; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2021): Digital health and the opportunities arising from the COVID-19 experience- Spotlight on Austria. Observatory Venice Summer School 2021 - Digital health: towards a post-pandemic future, 28. Juli 2021, Online.

Trunner, Kathrin; Leuprecht, Eva; Stradner, Anja; Habl, Claudia (2022): Leading eHealth Progress. 2nd X-eHealth Innovation Day, 26. Oktober 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

Van Oyen, Herman; Habl, Claudia (2019): Strengthening capacities in health information for better public health practice in Member States. Strand Health information and health literacy. 12. European Public Health Conference, 21. November 2019, Marseille.


Copano Casanova, Leticia; di Stasis, Marilena; Nociletti, Giovanni; Telea, Florina; Habl, Claudia; Wismar, Matthias (2023): EU4Health Programme and the role of national focal points for 2023 and beyond. Population Medicine, 5. A1830.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz; Trunner, Kathrin (2023): Public Health Data Science – Von Daten und Solidarität zu Datensolidarität. Das Gesundheitswesen, 85 (S04). p. 257. ISSN 0941-3790

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Trunner, Kathrin (2020): Medication Apps – A Systematic Search and Classification. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 271. pp. 207-214. ISSN 1879-8365

Fiske, Amelia; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Marsteurer, Brigitte; Prainsack, Barbara (2022): Value‑creation in the health data domain: a typology of what health data help us do. BioSocieties. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41292-022-00276-6.

Habl, Claudia; Weiss, Johannes; Gottlob, Anita; Saso, Miriam; Schutte, Nienke; Bogaert, Petronille; Paulo, Marília Silva; Lapão, Luís Velez (2024): How to help countries improve resilience during a pandemic: an example of a Rapid Exchange Forum. European Journal of Public Health, 34 (1). i81-i86. ISSN 1101-1262

Habl, Claudia (2021): Experiences from one year Rapid Exchange Forum. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (3). ckab164.380.

Habl, Claudia; Fischer, Stefan (2021): How the Euripid collaboration contributes to price transparency of pharmaceuticals. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (3). ckab164.576.

Habl, Claudia; Fischer, Stefan (2021): How the Euripid collaboration contributes to price transparency of pharmaceuticals. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (Suppl.). ISSN 1101-1262

Habl, Claudia; Hummer, Michael; Maier, Gunter (2021): Data is the new oil. How Covid-19 boosted information transparency in Austria. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (3). doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab164.028.

Habl, Claudia; Pries, Cara (2022): PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum (REF): A key tool for cross-country exchange in times of crisis. European Journal of Public Health, 32 (3). ckac129.646. ISSN 1101-1262

Habl, Claudia; Röhrling, Isabella (2021): The PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (3). ckab164.404. ISSN 1101-1262

Habl, Claudia; Zuba, Martin (2022): Calculation of Purchasing Power Parities for Pharmaceutical Products via EURIPID database. European Journal of Public Health, 32 (3). ckac129.343. ISSN 1101-1262

Klimek, Peter; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Ostermann, Herwig; Pleiner-Duxneuner, Johannes (2022): Quality Criteria for Real-world Data in Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care Decision-making: Austrian Expert Consensus. JMIR Medical Informatics, 10 (6). e34204.

Marelli, Luca; Stevens, Marthe; Sharon, Tamar; Van Hoyweghen, Ine; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; El-Sayed, Seliem; Hoeyer, Klaus; van Kessel, Robin; Krekora Zajac, Dorota; Matei, Mihaela; Roda, Sara; Prainsack, Barbara; Schlünder, Irene; Shabani, Masha; Southerington, Tom (2023): The European health data space: Too big to succeed? Health Policy, 135. ISSN 0168-8510

Meurisse, Marjan; Estupiñán-Romero, Francisco; González-Galindo, Javier; Martínez-Lizaga, Natalia; Royo-Sierra, Santiago; Saldner, Simon; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz; Degelsegger-Marquez, Alexander; Soiland-Reye, Stian; Van Goethem, Nina; Bernal-Delgado, Enrique (2023): Federated causal inference based on real-world observational data sources: application to a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine effectiveness assessment. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23 (1). p. 248.

PHIRI, Sciensano (Belgium), EUPHA-PHMR; Bogaert, Petronille (EUPHA-PHMR); Tsolova, Svetla (Sweden) (2022): 7.M. Round table: Preparedness & response for emergency situations: joined forces of H2020projects in the PREPAREcluster. European Journal of Public Health, 32 (3). ckac129.449. ISSN 1101-1262

Paulo, Marília Silva; Peyroteo, Mariana; Maia, Mélanie R.; Pries, Cara; Habl, Claudia; Lapão, Luís Velez (2023): Impacts of public health and social measures on COVID-19 in Europe: a review and modified Delphi technique. Front. Public Health, 11. p. 1226922.

Russo, Pierluigi; Carletto, Angelica; Németh, Gergely; Habl, Claudia (2021): Medicine price transparency and confidential managed-entry agreements in Europe: findings from the EURIPID survey. Health Policy, 125 (9). pp. 1140-1145.

Röhrling, Isabella; Habl, Claudia; Ostermann, Herwig (2020): The Avisors' Dilemma: Informed Decision Making in Times of Limited Evidence? Eurohealth, 26 (3). pp. 10-13. ISSN 1356–1030

Thißen, M; Bernal-Delgado, E; Rodriguez, R; Estupiñán-Romero, F; Forjaz, J; Gonzalez-García, J; Lyons, R; Schmidt, A; Seeling, S; Zeitlin, J (2021): Research use cases measuring the impact of COVID-19 on population health. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (3). ckab164.176. ISSN 1101-1262

Tille, Florian; Panteli, Dimitra; Fahy, Nick; Waitzberg, Ruth; Davidovitch, Nadav; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2021): Governing the Public-Private-Partnerships of the Future: Learnings from the Experiences in Pandemic Times. Eurohealth, 27 (1). pp. 49-53. ISSN 1356–1030

Tolonen, Hanna; Lapão, Luís Velez; Bogaert, Petronille; Habl, Claudia; Calleja, Neville (2023): PHIRI Rapid Exchange Forum (REF): a key tool for cross-country exchange in times of crisis and beyond. Population Medicine, 5 (A1615). https://doi.org/10.18332/popmed/165630.

Vucovic, Jakov; Ivankovic, Damir; Habl, Claudia; Dimnjakovic, Jelena (2022): Enablers and barriers to the secondary use of health data in Europe: general data protection regulation perspective. Archives of Public Health, 80 (115). doi.org/10.1186/s13690-022-00866-7.

Wiessing, Lucas; Kalamara, Eleni; Stone, Jack; Altan, Peyman; Van Baelen, Luk; Fotiou, Anastasios; Garcia, D'Jamila; Goulao, Joao; Guaria, Bruno; Hope, Vivian; Jauffret-Roustide, Marie; Jurgelaitiene, Lina; Kaberg, Martin; Kamarulzaman, Adeeba; Lemsalu, Liis; Kivite-Urtane, Anda; Kolaric, Branko; Montanari, Linda; Rosinska, Magdalena; Sava, Lavinius; Horváth, Ilonka; Seyler, Thomas; Sypsa, Vana; Tarjan, Anna; Yiasemi, Ioanna; Zimmermann, Ruth; Ferri, Marica; Dolan, Kate; Uusküla, Anneli; Vickerman, Peter (2021): Univariable associations between a history of incarceration and HIV and HCV prevalence among people who inject drugs across 17 countries in Europe 2006 to 2020 – is the precautionary principle applicable? Eurosurveillance, 26 (49).

van den Oever, Selina R.; de Beijer, Ismay A. E.; Kremer, Leontien C. M.; Alfes, Marie; Balaguer, Julia; Bardi, Edit; Nieto, Adela Cañete; Cangioli, Giorgio; Charalambous, Eliana; Chronaki, Catherine; Costa, Tiago; Degelsegger, Alexander; Düster, Vanessa; Filbert, Anna-Liesa; Grabow, Desiree; Gredinger, Gerald; Gsell, Hannah; Haupt, Riccardo; van Helvoirt, Maria; Ladenstein, Ruth; Langer, Thorsten; Laschkolnig, Anja; Muraca, Monica; Rascon, Jelena; Schreier, Günter; Tomasikova, Zuzana; Tormo, Maria Teresa; Trinkunas, Justas; Trollip, Jessica; Trunner, Kathrin; Uyttebroeck, Anne; van der Pal, Helena J. H.; Pluijm, Saskia M. F.; Grabow, Desiree; Filbert, Anna-Liesa; Niehoff, Dorothea; Walz, Diana; Erdmann, Friederike; Spix, Claudia; Haupt, Riccardo; Muraca, Monica; Lightwood, Simone; Bagnasco, Francesca; Cavalca, Giacomo; Oberti, Sara; Nicolas, Brigitte; Ladenstein, Ruth; Bardi, Edit; Düster, Vanessa; Uyttebroeck, Anne; van Helvoirt, Maria; Lemiere, Jurgen; Renard, Marleen; Michiels, An; Langer, Thorsten; Kock-Schoppenhauer, Ann-Kristin; Hildebrand, Lea; Neumann, Anke; Jahnke, Anne-Katrin; Rascon, Jelena; Trinkūnas, Justas; Ciesiūnienė, Audronė; Ragauskas, Paulius; Cañete Nieto, Adela; Balaguer Guill, Julia; Tormo Alcañiz, Maria Teresa; Galan, Antonio Orduña; Correcher Palau, Marisa; Beltrán, Lucas Cervero; Pons Tamarit, Vicente; Saraceno, Davide; Berti, Alessandra; Contino, Carlo; Thomopulos, Nikos; Stabile, Giulia; Tomassi, Maria Franca; Zamberlan, Igor; Nichel, Barbara; Schreier, Günter; Hayn, Dieter; Kreiner, Karl; Beyer, Stefan; Chronaki, Catherine; Cangioli, Giorgio; Charalambous, Eliana; Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Gredinger, Gerald; Trunner, Kathrin; Trauner, Florian; Laschkolnig, Anja; Kremer, Leontien; van der Pal, Heleen; Pluijm, Saskia; van den Oever, Selina; de Beijer, Ismay; Trollip, Jessica; Hardijzer, Emma; van der Pal, Heleen; den Hartogh, Jaap; te Dorsthorst, Jeroen; Essiaf, Samira; Sciberras, William; Kienesberger, Anita; Gsell, Hannah; Schneider, Carina; Tomasikova, Zuzana (2023): Barriers and facilitators to implementation of the interoperable Survivorship Passport (SurPass) v2.0 in 6 European countries: a PanCareSurPass online survey study. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. ISSN 1932-2259

Book Section

Angerer, Konstantin; Bathka, Arne; Bretschneider, Philipp; Deggelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Habl, Claudia; Kern, Reinhard; Maier, Gunter; Popper, Niki; Richter, Lukas; Scharinger, Robert; Stamm, Tanja; Thurner, Stefan (2022): Daten und Dateninfrastruktur. In: Variantenmanagementplan. Konsolidierte Fassung der Ergebnisse des Expert:innenworkshops, Überarbeitungen der GÖG sowie Anmerkungen GECKO, Bundesländer und weiterer Systempartner:innen. Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Wien, pp. 106-113.

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander (2023): Digitales Steuern: Gesundheitspolitik zwischen Public Digital Health und Digital Public Health. In: Gesundheit für alle: Reflexionen und Zukunftstrends. Verlag Österreich, Wien, 173-181, https://doi.org/10.33196/9783704692436-115.

Fischer, Katja; Gehart, Norbert; Krawinkler, Gerald; Kollaritsch, Herwig; Nagel, Anna; Paulke-Korinek, Maria; Röbl, Klara; Ruggier, Lena; Schneider, Peter; Szell, Marton; Zwiauer, Karl (2022): Impfstoffe und Impfung. In: Variantenmanagementplan Konsolidierte Fassung der Ergebnisse des Expert:innenworkshops, Überarbeitungen der GÖG sowie Anmerkungen GECKO, Bundesländer und weiterer Systempartner:innen. Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Wien, pp. 27-39.

Habl, Claudia (2023): EU: Auf dem Weg zu einer starken Gesundheitsunion? In: Gesundheit für alle: Reflexionen und Zukunftstrends. Verlag Österreich, Wien, 321-327, https://doi.org/10.33196/9783704692436-126.


Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz; Mathis-Edenhofer, Stefan (2022): PHIRI - WP6 - Use Case A - Austria - aggregated output of the PHIRI APP. [Dataset]


BMSGPK (2022): Evidenzgrundlagen und Empfehlungen zur Einführung eines organisierten Darmkrebs-Screening-Programms in Österreich. Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz, Wien.

Euripid Consortium (2022): Supporting Member States voluntary cooperation in the area of pricing through the EURIPID Collaboration. Layman version of the Final report. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

BMSGPK (2024): eHealth-Strategie Österreich, v1.0 im Juni 2024. Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konseumentenschutz, Wien.

Aldridge, Sarah; González-Galindo, Javier; Estupiñán-Romero, Francisco; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz (2022): PHIRI - WP6 - Use Case A scripts for local analyses (R Markdown). Population Health Information Research Infrastructure (PHIRI).

Degelsegger-Márquez, Alexander; Dolanski-Aghamanoukjan, Lorenz; Maier, Gunter; Weishäupl, Kristina (2024): Datenflüsse im österreichischen Gesundheitswesen. Gesundheit Österreich, Wien.

Horvath, Ilonka (2022): Models of good practice for communitybased testing, linkage to care and adherence to treatment for hepatitis B and C, HIV, and tuberculosis and for health promotion interventions to prevent infections among people who inject drugs. ECDC, Stockholm.

Horváth, Ilonka; Fenz, Lydia; Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Schwarz, Tanja (2022): Summary of Expert Panel meeting discussions on interventions to increase linkage to care and adherence to treatment for hepatitis B and C, HIV and tuberculosis among people who inject drugs. ECDC, Stockholm.

Rosian-Schikuta, Ingrid; Schwarz, Tanja; Horváth, Ilonka; Fenz, Lydia (2022): A systematic literature review of interventions to increase linkage to care and adherence to treatment for hepatitis B and C, HIV and tuberculosis among people who inject drugs. ECDC, Stockholm.

This list was generated on Tue Oct 22 15:29:08 2024 CEST.